Page 1 of Pacific P-DVD 1000 Left & Right audio swapped!

Hardware Forum

Pacific P-DVD 1000 Left & Right audio swapped!

Geoff_Harrison (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 14:59

Discovered to my amazement that the Pacific P-DVD 1000 player I have has the left & right audio on the scart switched!
Left is on right and right on left!
They are the right way on the phono sockets.
I checked it to the nth degree by using a video recorder, a satellite receiver, two different makes of scart leads and some cordless headphones. Its wired wrong!
Doesn`t seem right I have to make a dedicated Scart lead so its going back.
Anybody else had this?

RE: Pacific P-DVD 1000 Left & Right audio swapped!

Geoffc10 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 20:57

Doesn`t suprise me!. I wouldnt buy one even at the low price! Proves that cheaper players dont cut the mustard.

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