Page 1 of Decision Time - Philips 28PW6515 or Panasonic TX28PL1 ????????????

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Decision Time - Philips 28PW6515 or Panasonic TX28PL1 ????????????

Banksy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 12:44

Which set is the best for picture quality and/or reliability ? Sound not important
Both have 2 scarts, 1 RGB
Think only feature difference is that the Philips has a zoom mode whereby you can stretch a 4:3 image to 16:9 by pressing and holding a button until you reach the disired size

If anyone owns either of these sets I`d like to hear your comments on what you think of your purchase before I part with my money............

RE: Decision Time - Philips 28PW6515 or Panasonic TX28PL1 ????????????

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 16:12


before you buy the Panasonic ask for a demo of a DVD such as Breavheart, or a DVD where there are a lot of vertical lines like the lances in the first big braveheart battle or images of skylines.

I say this as my panasonic set cannot handle straight lines if the contrast is set over say 20%. If you go over this the set bends pictures to the extreme. I now have to watch all of my films with the contrast right down as the image is distorted. Sadly, the dealer that I bought the set from refuses to accept this as a fault as it appears to be a generic fault with Panasonic sets.

Put simply I would not own another Panny set if it was given to me for free.

go for the Phillips.


RE: Decision Time - Philips 28PW6515 or Panasonic TX28PL1 ????????????

bear (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 17:51

Forget the Philips they are having problems with the tube going duff after about 18 months it only effects the wide sreen sets! it`s becoming a well know fault in the trade.

PS it saddens me to post this beacuse they are a great company.

RE: Decision Time - Philips 28PW6515 or Panasonic TX28PL1 ????????????

peter1 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 17:56

I have the philips, changed from 8 year old Sony which was good, and I think its fantastic value from

You could get the 28PW6526C INC CABINET which has cordless rear speakers, for a 100.00 quid more. wish I had!

The factory settings ie. contrast and brightness and colour, did need adjusting to make the picture more natural, but it is a good set and i`m very fussy.

RE: Decision Time - Philips 28PW6515 or Panasonic TX28PL1 ????????????

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 19:00

Banksy- If you end up buying either of those, I strongly advise you buy your choice from somewhere with good after-sales service (a cheaper price will count for nothing if you get lumbered with a lemon!). Personally, I would recommend you steer-clear of the PL1 because it has a truck-load of quirks and a bad reputation in general. Reviews for the set have been ludicrously positive, but it`s fair to say that those reviewers can happily go home to their £3000 Plasma and won`t ever get the chance to fully appreciate how irritating the short-comings eventually become. In fairness, the PL1 is aesthetically terrific, but the general performance just doesn`t match the quality of the exterior shell. The 6515 is potentially great (IMO anyway), but the most recent batch has nasty geometry probs and some processing errors aswell.

RE: Decision Time - Philips 28PW6515 or Panasonic TX28PL1 ????????????

Banksy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th March 2002, 13:36

Thanks guys.............Not sure what to do now, Quite informative that

RE: Decision Time - Philips 28PW6515 or Panasonic TX28PL1 ????????????

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 7th March 2002, 14:54

Have you considered a JVC AV28FT1 or maybe the Philips 6006? both of those are fine sets that don`t have any of the flaws mentioned earlier. You could still risk buying a 6515 if you`re confident you could return it. The ones with good geometry and error-free processing truly are brilliant TV`s (certainly the best flatscreen in your price range), so it might be worth a shot.

I have to stress the importance of good after-sales service again though (whichever set you choose)...

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