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Hardware Forum

Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

Geordie Pride (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 2nd May 2002, 14:54

I have a Scan Sc-2500 DVD player, which I thought was one of the lucky ones, and was not suffering nay of the problems others have had.....

.....Until last night!

I have started to experience the remote button problem (buttons take on the function of the previous button pressed).

Does anyone know where I can get a reliable disk containing the up-to-date firmware, or some instructions for downloading and burning a disk myself?

I have Win XP, with Nero CD burning software.

Please Help!



This item was edited on Thursday, 2nd May 2002, 15:04

RE: Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd May 2002, 14:57

Try the Scan group at Yahoo, which you`ll need to sign up to :

Pretty sure they`ll have SC-2500 stuff too :-)

RE: Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

nelley (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd May 2002, 16:37

We can send you a hard copy(that works this time).Just email your adress to yelsew[at]ku.oc.nacs and we will send it free of charge.And it is avilable on the newsgroup as well.Their is an sc2500 group as well(yahoo)

RE: Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

Geordie Pride (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 2nd May 2002, 17:12

Thanks very much Nelley.

I have had no problems with the machine up until now. (touch wood!).

Hope the disk solves it!



RE: Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Friday, 3rd May 2002, 12:46


There IS a 2500 dedicated group - don`t bother the 2000 group as they`re sick of 2500 owners crashing their party when the player is made by a complely different manufacturer ;-)

Make sure you DO visit the site, because flashing the player requires a very specific process, and it won`t work unless you do it properly.



RE: Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

cro (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th May 2002, 12:57

Can someone PLEASE post a link to the firmware upgrade that is NOT on a yahoo group? And WHY oh WHY aren`t scan hosting the firmware upgrade on their own website? Is it a Scan product or not?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th May 2002, 12:58

RE: Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th May 2002, 17:58

Not : as it`s a rebranded import, the firmware belongs to the manufacturer, not the retailer, sadly :-(

Now, if you owned a rebranded Sampo player I could help you :-)

RE: Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 16:58

Just to add to this, you can now find a review of the SC-2500, the latest firmware files, and a guide to burning and applying them here on Reviewer in the Hardware Reviewer section.


RE: Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

nelley (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 17:38

The new sc2500s avialable on may 24th onwards shouild not require any updating as they have the latest version already loaded.I just hope the factory did this.

RE: Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

DarthB0b (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 12:19

>The new sc2500s avialable on may 24th onwards shouild not require
>any updating as they have the latest version already loaded.I just hope
>the factory did this.

I just hope that scan learn from their past mistakes and actually test the units before making these claims/shipping the units to the customers.


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