Page 1 of Internet Explorer 6 problem - clicking on file changes extension

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Internet Explorer 6 problem - clicking on file changes extension

Jon Rob (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th June 2004, 21:39

This problem is driving me crazy >:(

In IE6 If i click on a link to a .mpg or .mpeg file IE6 seems to think its a .mp2 file and opens a Save File download dialog box rather than launching Windows Media Player to play the file. This started happening a couple of nights ago and i just can`t work out how to change it. File associations are fine if i check them in Control Panel and i can play .mpeg files that i`ve saved ok.

Any ideas ???

RE: Internet Explorer 6 problem - clicking on file changes extension

Cyanide69 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th June 2004, 09:18

With the application you want to view your media with, re-associate files.
The option should be in something like Options or Preferences or Settings menu.

In WMP9 this is under TOOLs -> OPTIONS.

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