Page 1 of O2 Genie sim query

PCs & Mobiles Forum

O2 Genie sim query

zenza (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th January 2005, 20:59

I have got a O2 genie sim on which I put £10 worth of credit on yesterday little realising that I had to wait up to 24 hours before the 300 free texts kick in. So I sent loads od texts yesterday thinking that they would be free but I was getting charged and now my balance is down to £6.

However, today my balance stayed at £6 so the free 300 texts must have kicked in today.

Is my anniversary date for texts the date that I first put £10 credit on and activated the sim card i.e yesterday, or the date that my free 300 sims came into effect i.e. today?

Also will I have to top it up with £10 again next month?
Quick question.

This item was edited on Thursday, 27th January 2005, 21:01

RE: O2 Genie sim query

slipperysam (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th January 2005, 23:56

zenza, your Anniversary date is one calendar month from the date that you put the first £10 credit on, not the day after when you became eligible for free texts. No need to top up next month unless you want 300 more free texts or have run out of credit. So far as I`m aware the free texts do not carry over the calendar month.

Hope this helps.


RE: O2 Genie sim query

zenza (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th January 2005, 00:26

Thanks for that Sam.

Is there a way of getting 300 texts again free next month with my remaining credit of £6 or do I need to top up again before my monthly anniversary date?

RE: O2 Genie sim query

zenza (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th January 2005, 14:50


RE: O2 Genie sim query

gordyffc (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th January 2005, 14:54

see here I don`t have one of these sims so not sure if it works though. No harm in trying I suppose.


RE: O2 Genie sim query

slipperysam (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th January 2005, 16:15

Quote from link above..

6) Once you have run out of texts, reset the date on your phone to the date you first topped up and DONT USE YOUR PHONE THAT DAY!!
(Meaning don`t make a connection with anyone with your mobile but leave turned on!!)

How are you supposed to leave the phone on for 24 hours without making a connection, surely if it`s on, it`s connected? Anyway my daughter couldn`t go for 5 minutes without using her phone let alone 24 hours :/

Just top it up before the Anniversary date to get a fresh batch of free texts. If you don`t top up then any texts you send are charged at the usual rate.


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