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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Can anyone recommend some dirt cheap PC speakers?

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th September 2005, 18:30

Im getting fed up with my standard issue Sony speakers that came with my PC - I need more bass and less space!!!

I`m sure i remember deals on here for a set of 2.1`s for like £10 or somet.......

Does anyone know of anything?

Thanks in advance


RE: Can anyone recommend some dirt cheap PC speakers?

partridge (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 21st September 2005, 08:42

You`re thinking of the Labtecs from ebuyer. They`re no longer selling the same model which I bought (Labtec Pulse 375s) but they are selling its replacement - Labtec Pulse 385s which are a bit more expensive and also there isn`t free delivery with them...they`re just over £18 in all (£5 for delivery).
There`s a few other models worth considering, though, such as the Logitech S200s at just over a pound more which are probably a better option, even though the ones I got were decent enough, especially for the price.

Not really dirt cheap, but I don`t think there`s any other online retailers selling half-decent 2.1s cheaper, unless anyone else knows otherwise.
You might want to consider buying from a local computer shop, perhaps cheaper and obviously much quicker.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 21st September 2005, 10:05

RE: Can anyone recommend some dirt cheap PC speakers?

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st September 2005, 10:00

Nelliboy, these came up when I searched (Hope it helps):


Happy Listening :)


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