Why Would I Want An iPod???
Call me a Luddite, but I`ve never got into the whole iPod/MP3 thing. I bought a Creative Zen MP3 player a year or so ago, but I seldom use it - I prefer good old-fashioned (!!) CDs on one of the proper hi-fi systems lurking around the house. Having the headphone buds in me lug`oles always makes me think I might miss something - the doorbell, the phone, the sound of half-a-ton of scaffolding falling towards my unprotected noggin.
Just for a lark - and a change from the usual techie chat on this forum - would anybody care to sell the concept to me? Am I missing an important 21st Century experience not having an iPod Touch?
J Mark Oates
I don`t need one of those Brain Training games.
Mine can already roll over and play dead.

RE: Why Would I Want An iPod???
The whole point is that they`re portable. You wouldn`t generally get one for listening at home. But for commuting, using at the gym, running or in my case, using at work, they are invaluable. Half the time I do actually plug mine into a stereo (I happen to be doing that right now) so that I can listen to pocasts downloaded from iTunes without using crappy laptop speakers
RE: Why Would I Want An iPod???
I use mine all the time, although I`ve only ever downloaded one album (which was only available as a download) and two singles. Always prefer buying CD`s but got into the habit of using my iPod all the time, use it in the car all the time as well with an iTrip so don`t need to worry about music whilst driving as I`ve got bags of choice...
Si Wooldridge
RE: Why Would I Want An iPod???
I listen to mp3s all the time... On my PC. A couple of years back, I went through a phase of converting all my old CD singles to mp3 so I could clear out a couple of feet of floorspace. Then when I last bought a new sound system, I got one that could play mp3 CDs. So all my mp3s went back onto CDs, could get 50 - 100 tracks on a disc, and now I play my mp3 CDs on a CD player.
Sure I could have my music portable, have my ears bunged up so I can ignore the rest of the planet on a daily commute. But fortunately I have a car (which makes me portable), and I haven`t been on the underground regularly in years. I just prefer sound from speakers filling a room, to sound from speakers filling my head, and giving me tinnitus.
I reckon if you want your music portable, you should stick with Walkmans. Good old chunky tape players, the sort to play Van Halen at your 1950`s parent in, while dressed as a yellow Darth Vader.
Jitendar Canth
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This item was edited on Wednesday, 30th September 2009, 19:47
RE: Why Would I Want An iPod???
My wife uses her ipod to listen to tons and tons of talking books while ironing; hardly ever for music.
I have my Ipod for portability of my music, because I`m always in different places it`s far more convenient.
I dumped cd`s years ago as I just found them a pain in the arse with space etc.
Now I just have my computer linked direct to my amp and sub and my music comes through there.
Also my 80gb old Ipod is used for having all my music collection in the car, which is dead handy for when I`m travelling. Bought an £80 Sony cd player for the car when I bought it a few years ago which is Ipod compatible, so I control everything through the cd player there (rather than having it in the Aux and having to take your hands off wheel to use Ipod when driving).
RE: Why Would I Want An iPod???
Some form of MP3 player is the perfect portable media device for me.
I`ve had portable music since it was invented with the various Walkmans, through to a discman and currently a phone with MP3 player (an old Sony Ericsson number).
I use it going to and from work every day, when wandering around town, wandering around the supermarket, on train journeys and also in the shower (combined with a portable speaker like the X-Mini II). It`s used for music as well as podcasts (mostly comedy/entertainment type stuff).
I took the plunge of MP3-ifying my monstrous CD collection last year, spurred on my my new car CD player which wasn`t a multi-changer (for the first time in years) but instead played MP3 CDs. So I needed to make lots of these for the car and now have around 40Gb of digitial music...
Rich Goodman
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