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Page 1 of router problems??

PCs & Mobiles Forum

router problems??

dave2812 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 9th December 2012, 18:12

Hi Guys

Ok our computers in the house on wifi for some reason have become really slow at streaming videos, and also loading web pages has become slow, even the desktop on ethernet is always buffering trying to watch a video.

I recently added a repeater onto the network, but when I switch it off or unplug it from the power internet is still slow from main router, would a repeater slow things down for the main router?

Any help appreciated, Dave

RE: router problems??

dave2812 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 9th December 2012, 18:38

I Dont even get 2Mb on a ping test!!

RE: router problems??

dave2812 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 9th December 2012, 19:39

RE: router problems??

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th December 2012, 19:49


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: router problems??

dave2812 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 9th December 2012, 19:56

Is that fibre optic? Unfortunately we dont have that here, but I`m sure it should be faster than less than 2mb


RE: router problems??

Faust (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th December 2012, 20:52

Yes it is fibre optic.  Well if speed tests on wired & wireless equip is similar then it`s not a prob with the network.  Do u know what speeds your supposed to get and how long have u had this problem ?  Maybe u should call your ISP.  


RE: router problems??

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 9th December 2012, 21:56

have you tried JDAST? you can log your internet speed and save as a .csv file.
useful if you need to forward the info onto your ISP

i think it`s more accurate than those flash / java web based speed checkers.

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RE: router problems??

dave2812 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 10th December 2012, 18:28

Thanks guys

Well Talk Talk say its up to 6mb and I read that my ADSL filter may be faulty and causing the slow speed.

I will try a new filter, so its very unlikely to be the router then?

RE: router problems??

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 10th December 2012, 19:04

could be a number of things.

could be the filter.

could be a dodgy connection at the exchange (we dropped to 0.5Mbps at one
point earlier in the year after an "engineer" had messed about inside our local

could be the number of concurrent people using the ADSL pipe
that your broadband is delivered by. when i first joined Sky`s ADSL service, we were
quoted "up to" 8Mbps, at first, we would get around 5~5.5Mbps. towards the middle
of this year, that speed had gradually dropped to between 3.5 and 3.8Mbps.
nothing wrong with the equipment, it was just the fact that the ADSL line had become
too crowded.

switched over to Sky`s 40 / 10 fibre connection and we`re now seeing 38 / 8.9 with a ping
of 11 to 14 ms

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RE: router problems??

dave2812 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th December 2012, 17:53


Ok what ive found that if I reboot the router then its great for about 15 minutes then the web pages start to get slow again, very odd.

I might try and do a factory reset on the router, is this easy? 


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