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Retailer Reviews Forum

DVD Boxoffice & customs charges?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th February 2003, 23:51

I have seen in a few previous threads that DVD Boxoffice are customs do they manage to avoid the charges? I have ordered from them before but nothing over the £18 value.

I want to order something with a value of approx £30 but is there still a chance I will get charged customs?


RE: DVD Boxoffice & customs charges?

inza (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st February 2003, 09:18

I ordered some Criterion items from DVDBoxoffice a while back which included Brazil which was over £40 and the Rock which was over £25 and i didnt get any customs charges, so you should be okay.

RE: DVD Boxoffice & customs charges?

mattski (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st February 2003, 09:22

a few times when i have ordered stuff from boxoffice (who i really rate as a supplier i have to say) then they have not put any labels on the package as to the cost of the dvd!

long may it continue i say

RE: DVD Boxoffice & customs charges?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st February 2003, 09:35

Thanks for the info!


RE: DVD Boxoffice & customs charges?

Carsonlad (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st February 2003, 18:22

Go for it. I`ve used them loads and they`ve managed to get all of them through customs.

Most come within a week, but my Scream Trilogy took about 3 weeks. I was prepared to wait though to avoid a nasty charge from customs.

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