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Retailer Reviews Forum

Buying Region 3 Dvds Online

klovesu (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 16:26

does anyone know any good retailers apart from coolashop and dddhouse, i want to check more so i can get the cheapest price. Ive used coolashop and they are great. Delivery can take a while though.
please help...


RE: Buying Region 3 Dvds Online

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 20th May 2002, 11:37

CDWow seem to do R3 DVDs...loads of threads around about them, and from the looks of things they seem to be quite popular.

RE: Buying Region 3 Dvds Online

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st May 2002, 00:16

CD-WOW are really good. I had this proven to me last week with the Harry Potter DVD pre-orders. They were set to release on 11th May like the UK, but they had a problem with the Canadian supplier. Then they said they`d got stock elsewhere and we would get them shipped on the 13th, when this also didn`t happen they sourced UK Region 2 disks straight away to fulfill the orders. So we all got UK Harry Potter DVDs` for £13.99.

A lot of other firms would have made you wait until they got their region 1 stock in, but CD-WOW put the customer first and got the orders out asap. Also deliver has normally been in around 3 days for me.

Top marks for that!


RE: Buying Region 3 Dvds Online

Josef (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st June 2002, 20:40 - free shipping !!!

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