Page 1 of Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

Retailer Reviews Forum

Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

rook (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 07:54

I have not been able to push through an order since I began trying at the start of the week, the site works fine until I click to confirm I want to buy the item and then it just times out!
Also I can`t register with them either - is the site having problems allowing users to upload data?

Do these guys want my custom!

RE: Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

duanelightley (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 09:27

I think it must be a problem at their end. I have not been able to log in either since last week.

Funny that cos I cant get into the Abbey National Loan Application page and they are doing an internet only rate which I therefore cant get!!!!

RE: Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

bear (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 14:20

Well I received the 2 DVD`s and 2 CD`s I orderd in less then 5 days!

RE: Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 17:31

I can`t proceed to the checkout or login on my work PC - it just times out, but it seems to work fine on my home one.

RE: Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 18:08

Ensure your cookies are enabled.

I usually just do a "buy and go" order with them, so haven`t bothered setting up an account : no problems this way at all.

Moved to Retailers forum.

RE: Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 20:03

I`ve ordered twice from them within the last week, last Friday, and today, and no problem either time. I emailed them last night to make an enquiry about Joy Ride (Roadkill in the UK) and they replied today.

I log in as an existing member if that makes any difference, and once I click on confirm, it takes me to the Worldpay payment screen. Maybe it`s the Worldpay part of it you are having trouble accessing. I always receive immediate confirmation emails from CD-WOW and Worldpay confirming the order.


RE: Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 23:36

Last Time I ordered was for the BTTF set @ 17.99 - all went well. But I did notice that a pop-up window came up as part of the checkout procedure. I wonder if some firewalls or pop-up disable programs might be preventing some users from seeing this window and continuing the process? if so, the solution might be to disable (temporarily) such software, whilst you complete your transaction.

Just a suggestion, guys.


RE: Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

Barnum42 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 08:02

Drop their customer service department an email. I have fond that they respond very quickly.

RE: Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

ian turner (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 12:54

My parents had problems logging into their account, I had problems when I tried and asked them about it. The response I got said they were having problems with some customers logging in and that i should use instead which seems to work okay. Mind they gave a different suggestion to my mothers query which didn`t work as it was suggesting an attempt to create an account when one already exists. I suspect they`ve updated their site recently and are having user database problems.

RE: Anyone having problems with CD-WOW?!?

gotansefini (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th June 2002, 21:04

Guys, the best site to buy cds from is SMOKECDS.COM. They are NZ based, but even with shipping costs, CDs come cheaper than 8.99, about 7.30. For best shipping prices you should order 9 (not 10!) CDs per time. Delivery times: 7-10 days. Check them out!

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