Info and forum posts by 'madgpol'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 2nd October 2001, 07:52, Last used: Saturday, 7th March 2009, 22:08

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 38 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: returns

I recently ordered some memory for my laptop. Instead they sent me a poh-pooing reindeer :/ . Anyway a quick email to them and they asked that I sent the item back recorded which I did. The day after I received the correct item and also an email from them saying they would refund postage and also the price of the memory. :D

Very happy with and will continue to use them. Have ordered over 50 items and this was their first mistake.

RE: Official England v Sweden thread...

Hargreaves for all his critics played well last night and I believe it is a better setup if he plays in front of the defence.
It would take a brave man to do it but I would be inclined to start with lennon on the right and drop Beckham next round. It`s never going to happen unless he picks up an injury.

Still think we have a chance with a little luck as I believe we have the best defence and midfield in the WC.

The WC starts against Ecuador


RE: What`s happened to ITV4 on Sky Digital...?

launch on channel 120(Sky) has been delayed until Monday. Will continue to air on M&M until then.

RE: Ebay Help

I finally received the refund today :D

Although it took many emails and finally putting in a claim the seller paid up. never will use ebay again after such a bad experience.

Thanks for all your advise


RE: Ebay Help

Cheers for the replies. i`ve followed your advice so far but it`s the amount of time I`m having to waste chasing him that`s p*****g me off. I guess I need to be patient and hope it comes good.



RE: Ebay Help

Direct bank transfer. Spoken to my bank and they are not interested. We don`t bank with the same banks so it would have taken 3 days to clear. I have his sort code and bank account details but my bank state that the transaction was not fraudently carried out so i can`t ask for the transaction to be reversed.

RE: Ebay Help

No payment was not via Paypal. Payment made via Internet banking :/

Ebay Help

Hi All,

I thought I would try here as you seem to be a nice bunch ;)

I have recently won my first item on ebay however the item which i received ended up being a fake. This was pointed out to the seller and he stated he would refund me. However after nearly 3 weeks of numerous Text messages and telephone calls i have still not received the refund although i keep getting promises. He now tells me that I have to claim the money back from him via my Ebay account to ensure all is settled correctly however I can`t see this is possible. The amount due is approx £110 and to say this has left a bad taste is an understatement. I have now opened a dispute within Ebay and the seller has openly stated he will still refund me. What action can i take to ensure he does ? I have a paypal account but he states his was closed due to fraud. I given the guy plenty of opportunity to resolve this. Would the police be interested ? Trading Standards ? I have the guys mobile number, Bank account details and address.

Thanks for any help


RE: Want Gmail invite

Hi sput2001

Managed to get one elsewhere

many thanks for the offer


This item was edited on Saturday, 30th July 2005, 20:00

Want Gmail invite


Has anyone got a spare Gmail invite?

Thanks in advance


RE: COME ON LIVERPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The greatest comeback of all time. Well done the reds

From a hammers fan

RE: aol upgrades

Yep got the same message today only mines April 05 :D

currently on 512bb so looking forward to 1 meg. Hope they keep the same price £19.99p ;)



RE: Panasonic DMRE55EBS DVD recorder £229-00

Bought this today from Richer Sounds in Brighton. They were happy to price match Digital-Point at £216.99 for Multi Region. :D Also had my old Tosh sd210 to trade in under RS`s guarantee system so ended up paying £122 :o

Well happy and Richer Sounds were a pleasure to deal with.


RE: Panasonic DMRE55EBS DVD recorder £229-00

Anyone know if this is multi region ? If not how easy is it to change from region 2 ?


RE: Playboy`s Breast Test - A New One!

Got 8/12 and then decided to change the 4 that I thought were wrong. Guess what my score second time round was 4/12 !!!! :o

I`ll see what my brother gets when he comes round tonight


RE: Help! with mother board jumper setting.

XP2000`s are 133 so I would have thought your 1800 would be the same.


RE: what spec pc needed?


With the mods you listed above your not far from building a pc anyway. I found myself in a similiar position to yourself last month and decided to take the plunge and build my own pc, having only perviously installed a new graphics card,cd rewriter and extra memory. I used ebuyer to source the bits and took my time to read the motherboard booklet and the excellent 4 page step by step broucher that came with it. Whilst I was scared of breaking things I got there in the end and I`m well please with the finished results and myself.

Best wishes

Help re Monitor for XBOX

Looking for some ideas on what would be a good monitor to link the XBOX upto. I`m looking to re-position it in the spare room and due to lack of space I`m all up for an LCD.

Any feedback is welcome.


RE: Blind Taste Test

I see that Tesco`s have now price matched Asda at £9.87p


Silver PS2

I`m looking for Silver PS2 for Nephew and found that Amazon have it for £132.99p inc free delivery and extra controller. Had a good look around the net and can`t find it any cheaper. Anyone seen it cheaper ??

Thanks in advance for any responses


RE: Office Series 2 for £11.87!


MVC had the box set for approx £29. Should be able to pick it up cheaper elsewhere.


RE: 3 to go video mobile - £50


Agree that 3togo is not the same as PAYG but I think you will find that you only pay for what you use. The offer above includes £10 worth of downloads for the first 3 months. If you don`t use the phone then my understanding is that you won`t be charged a penny.

Trust I`ve read it correctly


This item was edited on Monday, 11th August 2003, 16:53

RE: Car insurance

A good website I used last time that trawls all the big insurers is confused saves ringing around them all.

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th August 2003, 20:22

RE: Do you have Honda

I bought a Civic SE Executive brand new and it bores the pants off me. But it`s reliable and not likely to get me into trouble with the local police who are out to get motorists at all opportunities for speeding. What`s the point of having a car that can do 150mph in Britain ?

RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

Met Gary Newman "Pop Star in 80`s" whilst I was staying in Crewe on Business (Late 80`s).Was happily chatting to him when his chick came into the bar and said " Are you coming to bed ?" Gary Replied " Not Yet I`m talking". V nice bloke.

RE: Whose the most famous person you have seen??????????

Aged 14 I ran onto the Cricket Pitch when Sussex were playing Somerset at Hove and lunch was called. Went up to Ian Botham and asked for his autograph. Told me to "@@ck Off" Nice bloke. !!!!!

RE: Motor Insurance - who`s the cheapest ?

Try the following website It asks you to put in your details once and then goes away and checks with all the big insurers and lists the quotes. The cheapest I got turned out to be Elephant saving me around £100 from last year. Saves ringing around as well.

RE: X-Box Deal in Argos

Hugo`s got it right. I think the offer ends today.