Info and forum posts by 'buzlightyear'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 11th October 2002, 14:21, Last used: Friday, 11th October 2002, 14:21

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: ntl cable box

Is your NTL:Digital?
Your right in that you need another box, but you will have to pay NTL £15 a month for the pleasure. You need a different card so you can watch different channels. You will have to get them in to take a feed off the present cable feed.

Aplogies if thats wrong but thats my setup

RE: X Box Surround Sound Options - Help!

might be wrong (please correct me) dont you have to use the advanced scart cable using the Fibre Optic to get Digital output? or will standard AV leads do it?


OK getting back to the Xbox makes me wanna puke subject, yes it does, ive never had it before, Jet Set and Halo? seem to be the culprits whilst talking about Jet set, is it me or are the graphics not really that much better than the DC version. Anyway off to finish Metriod Prime on my cube much crisper graphics than Halo (I await the fanboys cussing but what do i care I own both, its my opinion)

This item was edited on Friday, 24th January 2003, 16:32

RE: Player that will last

Depends on what kinda money your mate wants to pay.
Tosh over alba any day

RE: zelda gamecube

errrr yes, :-)

RE: X-Box - R.I.P.?!

has to be said, £299 march (correct me if im wrong) £199 ermmm July(ish) £156 sept and now Argos comet and co are doing it for £126 does not seem like a machine selling like hot cakes... Dixons are even doing a bring any old console in and get it £30 notes cheaper.....wheres that Coleco

RE: Super Monkey Ball 2 - WHEN????

Monkey Target 2 is much better, well i would say that i can actually beat my Girlfriend at it :-) The main difference is that you collect the Brake, Magnet, whilst in flight, you can multiply your score by collecting stars that are dotted about, plus you can play 2 players at the same time, (lots of knocking each other off) as ive said before Monkey Tennis = Virtual Tennis but with monkeys....

anyone had problems with a Denon 3800

Want to get one of these players but being put off by reports of freezing,chroma bug, r1 probs. Anyone here had any problems with this player?

If not where did you buy it, when did you buy it and what is the s/n, also the firmware of the machine would be handy too.

RE: ps2 for gamecube

I would keep both... Bad news on the Terminator front though, looks good sounds good..plays like a pig on rollor skates on a ice rink. You run into a room IE Holding up as you are facing behing the character, then for some reason the next view is say facing the character you still have to pull up, so then left and right are the wrong way round, and the camera angles are fixed.....i was more than disapointed.

RE: **Super MARIO Sunshine**

Had SMS for a month or so and can quite happily say it gets better as you get further into the game. Yes the camera angles can be a bit frustrating at times but its still a fantastic game...although Super Monkey Ball 2 has the best thing ever....think Vitual Tennis with Monkeys in balls....