Info and forum posts by 'PorlCooper'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 22nd January 2003, 14:46, Last used: Thursday, 9th March 2006, 11:57

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 65 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Cello DVD recorder £49.99 in Co-op

It is 79.99 at my Co-op in Salford. The woman scanned it to check if there had been a reduction but there hadnt. She couldnt understand how they were so cheap elsewhere as all the prices were regulated by a central system, and "offers" are applied nationwide and not to particular stores. I asked her if they had other models (Cello), but she said they only stock the one..... :(

RE: The Pope has died

cheers Nick - Its not *that* hard to see the point I was making is it?

Si - dont be so bleeding ridiculous. Or at least show me the bit of my posting where I said the Church / Pope is to blame.

It was you that said the Pope was "influential and well-loved figurehead"

I said why doesnt he then use that position to do a bit of good in the world. And I mean,
do a bit of good. Not stand on a balcony and wave to make a few thousand feel better...

RE: The Pope has died

The Pope / The Bible

I think there`s a general consensus that you cant "just take the bits you agree with and discharge the rest.

Choagy, Im not expecting you to advocate gay rights. And Im by no means playing "the victim" here. But when someone "influences millions", then you cant just sweep the bit about condemming homosexuality under the carpet, and say what a fantastic person he is!

People in those sorts of positions really, really - no, *really* ought to know better!

and the Gay issue aside......

1 in 150 people across the world today is HIV positive. Thats a frighteningly small ratio.
Now, I wasnt asking the Pope to work a miracle - Im not that f*cking Naiive. But
But if he had so much as bothered making a start on the condoms issue, which I`m sure someone with his power and influence could have done - I might just have disliked him a little bit less..........

Choagy and Si, I take it that HIV hasnt (in one way or another) really touched your lives yet.
Today its 1 in 150. How long before it creeps in to your immediate circle???

Do let me know what you think of the Pope`s stance then, wont you?


This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th April 2005, 16:23

Any Sherlock Holmes fans.....

....who can tell me the difference between this set:

and this one:

apart from the price!!

I think they came out around the same time, but I just wondered if any officionados out there could point out the differences.

Couldnt find anything on dvdcompare

RE: Who is responsible for scratching DVD`s at Rental Company ???!!!

been with bloackbuster about 6 months,

average 6 films a week, and not one that was scratched or wouldnt play in that time

RE: Problems using DVDshrink

this happens to me regardless of which disks I use, when using Shrink

I think its more to do with compression because it *never* happens when I copy something which is less than 4.7G.

The fault on mine usually happens only once or maybe twice max in a movie which I have had to compress. Its like a "pause" that happens, and the film picks up about 1/3 second later.

I wondered if it was something to do with the layer change on larger discs? But then I know cock all about this, so it could be anything.......

RE: Does anyone remember Jamborees?

me mam used to buy these every week. A packet of jamborees and a packet of munchmallows, which were a similar thing but round! Havent seen them in donkeys years though!

RE: Is this tee-shirt offencive? Paull?

I think its cool - I`d wear it no worries. And wouldnt find it offensive if worn by a straight man. Just funny.

As for your young, stupid and white, surely thats just a pun on "Young, gifted and black"??

My personal favourite t-shirt I own is of the record sleeve for The Creatures "Sad C*nt" (without the *) - which everyone finds offensive - but hilarious!

This item was edited on Monday, 25th October 2004, 17:31

RE: DVD-RW not recognising any disks after re-install

at work now so havent been able to try any of the suggestions.

I did manage to get it to accept a prerecorded dvd which was inserted before starting up.
It shows it as being in the drive, and Powerdvd kicks in fine.

A system and drivers disk came with the PC but I cant find a RW drive on there (but thats probably me being thick - how else might I reinstall its driver though?

Havent done any driver or firmware updates to my knowledge.

RE: Where can I get a Danone Activia `Inner Self` bear?

have you tried approaching the company`s Public Relations dept direct or customer services?

Give them a sob story about your kids really really wanting one. You never know.........

RE: Avoidable Tragedy?

I agree this is absolutely awful, but surely its all about "eliminating the risks"??

Dont have your child out unsupervised at that time of night. Sure, youre kid`s gonna winge on about "cramping their style" - ask them what good is style when your guts are full of lead?

Similarly with Ken Bigley - yeah, that was a terrible thing to happen, but why didnt he get out of the country, when people were warned to do so?

Reminds me of my mum and my aunts "oooh, your cousin`s had to go out to the Gulf...".

Well, he shouldnt have fecking joined up in the first place!!

You dont wanna be a victim? Dont lay yourself open to the risks in the first place....

RE: Help with sound on AVer TV capture

Mike how do I find out whether or not its a nicam card?

It came pre-installed with a page of configuration instructions in about 126 different languages, and an installation disk!


(pardon my ignorance if there`s a really obvious way of finding out!!)


RE: Help with sound on AVer TV capture

Thanks for all your responses.

I will try the driver update when I go back this weekend.

From the FAQ on the Aver website, I found this:

"first be sure that the supplied audio cable is connected from the Aver TV card
to the Sound Cards Line - in. NOTE on some systems that do not have an actual "line-in", substitute "MIC" for the configuration process below:

If there is still no sound from the Aver TV card, try connecting your PC speakers direct to the TV card. You should get audio (although low) this way. If you do - there would be a problem with the sound card configuration or a hardware problem with the LINE - IN ."

So it tells me what might be wrong, but not how to rectify it.

Could do without having to send it back to TINY, so will try the driver update.

Just to confirm, the sound is not present when Im watching TV, but does no come on when I capture it.

Also when I posted originally, I hadnt connected TV card - LINE-IN (or in this case, MIC)

RE: Easy CD Creator

and sorry, Nick - no - Im downloading the pics to a folder on the PC first. Im not trying to do it straight from the camera. Itsstuff that Ive fiddled about with in photoshop first (cropped, adjusted levels etc), then resaved as JPEGS and then saved to a folder

RE: Easy CD Creator

I dont think any of the files are corrupt.
For example, on the Create Data CD layout page, I select the relevant folder that the files are in, and all the files appear in the top window.
When I try to click on the file in the top box, and drag it down into the bottom window (to create the CD), nothing happens. The file doesnt reappear in the bottom window. Like I say, it doesnt happen with all the files. I can click on another, perhaps, further down the list, and it will drag and drop perfectly.
If I select a picture that wont drop and drag, and try to open it, it looks fine. Indeed, it looks and has similar qualities to any other pic that *will* drag and drop.

Curiouser and curiouser!

RE: Easy CD Creator

well, I though about doing that but it just struck me as being a problem that has only just started to happen. Never had a coaster from it. Audio stuff burns perfectly. This has just started happening since Ive been trying to put downloaded pics from a digicam onto disc for archive, so wondered if it was something glaringly obvious that I was doing wrong


Easy CD Creator

Hi all,

been having problems lately with the abopve - Im using version 4.
When I try to make a Data CD (JPEGS, from digital camera), it wont let me click and drag some files. I`ve tried all ways. EG. If I put 20 pics in a folder and try to drag that across, it might only transfer 10 or so of them. If I open the folder, and click and drag them across individually, it will let me with some, and not with others. DOesnt seem to discriminate on size or anything like that. Anyone any clues? Ta

RE: WHS Clearance Bargains...

at the trafford centre I picked up:
Dr Who - The 2 Doctors and Talons of Weng Chiang for 3.99 Each
England football 3 x dvd pack - 99p
The last Unicorn 1.99
Faust (Murnau) - 3.99

RE: Canon digi cam

mine too!!!

Love it when that happens - so long since you kind of give up hope with it, then it arrives out of the blue!

Proper bargain - cheers again for the tip-off!


RE: Cyberhome DVD 400 / 402

thanks for that, oh great timelord!!

Pulse are awaiting stock but they will ring me back with an update.

For reference, they dont ask for proof of purchase. They just ask your name address, contact no, DVD player model, and serial n umber.


RE: where should i live in leeds?

Moortown. I lived there for 3 years. Nice leafy quiet suburban area!

RE: I have a weird taste in films (so my mates say) but......

I have the version of I Spit.... and can safely say that its uncut!


RE: I have a weird taste in films (so my mates say) but......

Rob, if you`ve not seen any of the following, give them a try:

Island of Death
House on the Edge of the Park
Cannibal Man
Men behind the Sun

Im sure you wont be sorry!!


RE: I have a weird taste in films (so my mates say) but......

RobBut, did you get me email? I suggested somewhere for you


RE: Moments of madness...


Im wondering why you dont dig out some other bits of Leviticus which also say whats right and what`s wrong:
For example, in Leviticus 19:19 it says that you shall not let you livestock breed with another kind, or that you shall not sow your field with mixed seed, or that you shall not wear a garment of mixed linen and wool. Leviticus 19:27 says that you shall not shave around the sides of your beard nor shall you disfigure the edges of your beard. How about the laws concerning clean and unclean animals ? (Leviticus 11:24-47) How about the forbidden foods in Leviticus 11:1-23). These are thing that "the religious right" never mentions, and yet, they`re part of our daily lives. For example, just about everyone wears clothes that are poly-cotton blend. Most people who have beards, shave them a bit so they look neat and presentable. Both in direct violation of Leviticus.

You still wanna live your life by such archaic rules - help yourself mate!!.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 25th February 2004, 16:04

RE: So who are the 24% of biggots that visit this forum then?

TO Sultan:

"...God created Adam and Eve..and not Adam and Steve", if you see what I mean

and Adam

"Even though homosexuality is acceptable to some people, it still doesn`t make it right!
Homosexuality is immoral and quite disgusting"

I guess the exception to this rule is big titted lipstick lesbians getting it on in some glossy jazz mag, perhaps?

DVD reviewers resident Queer - and proud of it.

RE: Canon digi cam

well, I ordered mine thursday, paid the extra for the first class delivery, and it didnt arrive until yesterday afternoon!! (Cracking little camera, though!! - well spotted!)

RE: Blockbuster Sale starts 23rd December - includes T3!!!!!

Managed to get "Yes Minister" series 1, and Doctor Who - Caves on Androzani for a cool 98p each!!

RE: Alien Quadrilogy £27.99 Woolworths - instore.

Same at Woolies salford - the guy behnid the counter was adamant they were £53 - he hadnt heard of the offer, but when I asked him to scan it it came up £27.99. Made his day cos he said he`d be getting a couple himself at that price! Cheers for the head u[p!


RE: What 5.1 system?

I can recommend both of Sultan`s Argos suggestions. I own the second one myself
and bought the first one for my dad. Both systems are excellent value for money.