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Info and forum posts by 'andy.c'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 8th March 2004, 20:03, Last used: Monday, 22nd November 2010, 18:42

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This user has posted a total of 89 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.08 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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Amazon Guaranteed Xmas Delivery


I ordered from Amazon using free super saver del guaranteed del for xmas for an ipod for an xmas present.

They never came through and i did not get it until the friday after xmas.

I complained but got a rubbish standard email with a crappy pointless appology.

Anyone else get screwed by them?

Is it worth complaining again for any compensation, i know i did not pay for delivery so they cant refund this, but if they `guaranteed` xmas delivery when using this method they should be compensating me in some form, right?

RE: Complete Some Mothers...£17.99

Me to, my dad will love it. Such a good spot.

RE: Complete Some Mothers...£17.99

Logged in and they have not cancelled it - yet.

Hope they dont, this was going to make an excellent birthday present for my dad later this month.

RE: A few wii questions (wii newbie)

I owned one and just recently sold it.

It depends on so many factors as to whether it is right for you.

Personally, I found that it was more for kids than anything else, cheap yes - but essentially it’s a Gamecube with a fancy controller.

I bought a 360 and its much more for me, but like I said, it depends on the players. For the time I did have it (8 months), it was allot of fun (well, maybe more novelty), Zelda was amazing, sports was good for 10 mins.

The Wii channel idea is good, but currently full of rubbish channels, I mean, who wants to turn their Wii on to find the weather and news ( I got bored of this very quickly). The internet channel is the worst of all, slow and always have to zoom in to see, slow to type etc.

I am trying to be un-biased, like I said, it depends on the people who are going to play it, it’s a great cheap family console with some fairly cheap games, but it lacks the power of a 360 or PS3 and the games available on those that make it to the Wii are quite poor to say the least.

The best way to look at the Wii is not to compare it to the 360 or PS3, it’s a console in its own right and should really be viewed as such, get this in your head and make your decision, I am sure you wont go wrong.

RE: xbox 360

Just to clarify, the 360 has a 1 year warranty against all failures, however any boxes that display 3 red rings are covered by a 3 year backdated warranty, this is very specific and whilst the problems you currently have might be the early signs of the red rings, only if it actually shows 3 red rings is it covered by the 3 year warranty, more detailed info here (official MS site):

of course, if you have bought your xbox in the last year then in theory there should be no problem getting it replaced or reparied under the 1 year warranty.

Xbox 360 Help


I am thinking about buying a 360, currently own a Wii but fed up of games that don’t take my fancy, and the 360 had loads I would like.

Would probably go with the Elite cos it seems only a little more money than the premium for allot more (also have a friend who works at HMV and can get me an Elite and 2 chart games for £270), but I have never owned an Xbox and when I started looking into them I have read horror stories about overheating.

I understand that a 65NM chip might be on the way, or already out. Does anyone have any thoughts on this and would it be worth holding out for a 65NM chip, or is it already out? will it run cooler? Or will the current chip be ok and not run into overheating problems, perhaps this problem has been fixed on the Elite?


This item was edited on Saturday, 8th September 2007, 22:05

Peep Show Series 3 - £5.99 at HMV

If anyone has been after this you will know its not been cheap unless bought in the 1-3 box set.;-1;-1;-1&sku=528066

RE: Anyone need a £15 Travelodge room for next sat - M5 Birmingham?

Just spent 2 nights over the last 2 weeks in seperate travel lodges and they wanted the card i booked with.

RE: Superman Boxset (4 disc) - £9.99

they send an email once a week with only a few offers and all clearly listed.

its not the usual weekly newsletter email, its an `offer of the week` email.

it saves time by signing up and the few offers they have are usually very good prices.

There is also no guarnatee of each bargain from their email being posted on a site.

sign up and see, you can always cancel.

RE: Superman Boxset (4 disc) - £9.99

I think it would be easier for people to sign up directly for the weekly HMV offer of the week email, this way it will save loads of posts and they can see all offers each monday when they send the email, link to sign up below :D


This item was edited on Wednesday, 4th April 2007, 00:10

RE: Rocky Anthology "ultimate edition" £22.99

when you look at the prices they go for on ebay, £22.99 is still a bargain. I seen one finish only yesterday for almost £40.

RE: Rocky Anthology "ultimate edition" £22.99

must have sold out, it was showing instock yesterday.

RE: Wii

Hi Sheppy (is that Sheppy Cider),

Does yours work fine on all aother applciations/menus, mine is just a bit iffy on the Mii program, not bad but just not as good as the others.



Just set up my Wii, all works great but has anyone noticed that the controller is a bit more sensative and a bit shaky in the Mii menu?


RE: Scum (2-disc Steelcase Edition): £4.96 @ Tesco Jersey

I have the 2 disc version of Scum and its well worth while getting.

One disc has the movie that we are all familiar with.

The other disc is the original BBC version of the Movie. Basically the BBC made this as a one-off TV program (its roughly the same length as the movie) and contains allot of the same actors, including Ray.

I was not even aware that this was made until I bought the 2 disc DVD, its certainly one of the best 2 disc DVD`s in my collection.

Anyone recommend a good B&B in Blackpool

Looking for a B&B for a for a few nights in blackpool.

We are a young crowd so not looking for a family only style place. Late bar would be a bonus.

can anyone recommend a place, or even just an area (road etc).

We want to be near the centre, not sure if this is classed as north or south shore.


This item was edited on Friday, 1st September 2006, 21:40

RE: Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Hardened Liquor usually does the job.

RE: Mods accept my apologies

It`s ok everyone,

Watchdog have been informed.

Panic over!!!!!

RE: Dell Laptop £339

Its available now,

a few good upgrades would be:

go from the 14.1" screen to the 15.4" for only £35.25

and go from the 4 Cell 29Whr battery to the 6 Cell 56Whr for only £11.75

RE: Warning Toffee Crisps invalid codes!

But i have to drink beer, because i am sad.

RE: Warning Toffee Crisps invalid codes!

Are you so sad that you have to reply to a "sad" reply? huh? huh?

Yes, I am sad.

At least I can admit it instead of going on the defensive.

This item was edited on Friday, 17th February 2006, 19:04

RE: Warning Toffee Crisps invalid codes!

Did you not get one, Mr. Nick? they were impossible to get hold of.........

Sounds like somebody is jealous they did not get one. Look, the DVD players were ages ago, get over it.

Or have you been so sad that you looked at the posts he has made just to reply?

Anyone recomend a cheap hotel in liverpool

Just looking to stay for one night, as cheap and as close to the centre as possible.

RE: 24 Now from £16.95

Only season 1 is £16.95 from choices, the rest are £17.95. have each series for £16.99, £1 cheaper than

they may also get cheaper as and when the online retailers put the promotion prices on.

RE: Band of Brothers Tin Version £19.99 @ Virgin in-store

I ordered one of these on sunday night from the Virgin website.

Turned up today and to my suprise it was the Tin edition.

Had to pay 0.75p postage as it was under £20, but used a £1 voucher from Ressit Muttons website.

So cheaper than in store in the end, but only by 25p.