Info and forum posts by 'moods'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 29th September 2004, 21:56, Last used: Wednesday, 20th February 2013, 14:17

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 364 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.05 messages a day, or 0.34 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Hack for Panasonic 3D Player Please

OK Thank you..that's me buggered then.....Moods

Hack for Panasonic 3D Player Please

Hiya guys...region free hack for DMP - BDT160.....thank you.....Moods

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th January 2015, 15:01


Need a new hard drive for my laptop ( ADVENT ROMA 2001 )....would this unit be ok for me....NEW FOR TOSHIBA SATELLITE A200-1A0 320GB SATA LAPTOP NOTEBOOK HARD DRIVE HDD 2.5" INCH....OR THIS ONE.....250GB Advent ERC430 5302 K1301P K200 Roma 1001 2000 2001 Laptop Hard Drive..Thank you....Moods

This item was edited on Saturday, 1st November 2014, 02:49

Why won't screensavers work....?

Hiya guys...updated to win 7 ultimate and hardly any of my screensavers will work...they appear to install on preview...but do not kick in ...just get ...NONE...on personalisation page...any thoughts....?...thanks...Moods

RE: Help please on this odd one...

ok will do  ....thank you

RE: Help please on this odd one...

Thanks for you time Rob...1 - IE 8 ....AVG 14 free....haven't tried any other browsers.....Moods

RE: Help please on this odd one...

Hiya guys...still having this problem.......

RE: Help please on this odd one...

Thanks Admars...answers in order of Q' but worked before this 8-as before worked ok until this happened...if you mean comp then yesterday....nothing....

Help please on this odd one...

Hiya people...when I click on a page to go to the next link..( i.e...from main page such as Mutual Points to the next page to collect points ) I get an empty page with BLANK PAGE in the place where the address should be...cannot get to the page i need...any help in idiot speak appreceiated as usual

This item was edited on Saturday, 17th May 2014, 14:58

RE: Hiya...Help Please.........

Thank you....will try....

RE: Hiya...Help Please......... built whencomp bought ..also legit....

RE: Hiya...Help Please.........

Thank you for your reply Rassilon...but when I click on system restore I only get a blank box......

Hiya...Help Please.........

OK after getting xp support ended and reading should install avast  to protect me a friend installed it but then it flashed up that it was an illegal copy so using your uninstaller I removed I have lost my search assistant..( just get the little dog avatar moving around but no boxes to use for searching...also no system restore just an empty box ...also although I'm permanently connected to internet ..Skype and messenger will not sign in and I cannot access any internet pages...any suggestions in the standard dummy talk fashion will be greatly appreciated ...thank you....Moods

AVG Install Error Code.0xE001003D

Hiya guys...keep getting this code when i try to install avg free...any help appreciated please...remember dummy talk only please......Moods

RE: Laptop sound problem, help appreciated

Hiya...i found a usb fan that my laptop sits on at Poundland works really well.....

RE: recovery

Not a techy at all but would there be a utility on Heirans to help you...?

Hi again guys... a little help please...

had a recent problem which is now solved ...but i cant open some of my menus from right clicking...the drop down opens with left click...any help please...?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th February 2014, 14:51

RE: Major problem...Need help please...

Hiya guys.....ALL SORTED.......found chk dsk in Heirans....all came relieved...thank you for your suggestions and time....have a good week all.....Moods

This item was edited on Monday, 17th February 2014, 17:09

RE: Major problem...Need help please...

Hiya Admars....thank you for your time....I don't have a cd...It's an Acer desktop machine....I bought it new with windows xp home edition pre-installed....any ideas why this should have happened ?....I have tried to use the heiran cd that I have to do a sys restore but can't find it on mini xp section....also I have an unbuntu there a sys restore on that....?...thanks gain Moods

Major problem...Need help please...

1 - did windows updates of Nvidia yesterday...
2 - had no images so deleted update
3 - rebooted to do system restore....nothing.....
4 - rebooted couldn't get into safe mode
5 - rebooted again received following....Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt :
You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setop CD-ROM.
Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.

Am I totally up the creek without a paddle OR does someone out there know this problem ?????.....REMEMBER people...idiot speak replies only please......
Yours totally stuck....Moods

RE: iTunes help please people.....

Hiya...Rob have you tried using Your Uninstaller...thats what i ysed to remove everything....Moods

RE: iTunes help please people.....

Thanks Rob all good again.....Moods

RE: iTunes help please people.....

Thanks for your time and help...will try and get back .....Moods

iTunes help please people.....

Hiya turned on laptop today went to play itunes...following message appears...' missing MSVCR80.dll....did a bit of surfing tried downloading dll as described on some q and a sites...nothing....tried re-installing iTunes and repair mode...still same message....all help appreciated people please....Moods

iP4 Sync Problem

Hiya guys and girls...since doing the lastest update when i connect to my comp it goes through the usual connection steps 1 - 4 the gets stuck on ..'Finishing Sync ' any ideas....thanks ....Moods

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th November 2013, 16:44

RE: Best and Worst TV of 2012?

Mainly best tv when it was turned off....worst tv when it was turned on.....Happy New year to you all......

RE: How old are you?

59 so my wifw tells me.....Pete - MK...i`m with you...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C`mon Guys...SOOOOOO Many region hacks needed......

Where are all the good guys that used to supply the hacks disappeared to....there are so many unanwered requests here...INCLUDING MINE.........?

Currys Essentials DVD Region Hack Please...

Hiya Guys...need a hack for this machine....Name...Currys Essentials DVD Player
           Thanks People......Moods