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Info and forum posts by 'freaky_thelma'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 9th October 2005, 00:33, Last used: Saturday, 22nd April 2006, 07:46

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: I`m an artist....but not an important one

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Ghost Stories

I saw a guy who kinda looked like Patrick Swayze once. Does that count?

No, this doesn`t count :P
It would if he were dead, of which he is not (thats not a request to kill him though!) lol

RE: Ghost Stories

Thats exactly what I`m looking for, thank you!

I`ll tell you one of my experiences. When I was 18 I worked for a small company in my local town. I used to always be the first one into the staff room and the last one to leave every day that I worked. Every morning I would enter the staff room to see all the coat hanger on the floor (this was where we hung our coats and bags) sometimes there would be one on the floor and sometimes only a few hangers would be on the ground. Everyday would be different. I would lift them all and wonder why they had fallen. It wasn`t wind because the only window in the room was barred shut. Anyway, at the end of the day I would lock the door of the staff room after checking to make sure the hangers were all up on the rail. The next morning they would be down or partly down. It was so annoying but it was like a game somehow.

Another thing that happened at that place of work was when I was doing a stock check in the stock room which was in plain view of the staffroom door. I had been up there for over an hour when there was a rapid banging sound from the staff room. No one was in there and I was alone in the stock room so I froze and dropped my clipboard. I turned round and saw a flickering shaddow under the staffroom door, it moved in time with the banging. It sounded more like someone jumping up and down. I decided to go back down to the shop floor. My manager called me in and asked if I was ok. I told her what I`d seen. She simply said "So you`ve seen him too". She told me that the girl before me who I was employed to replace had seen a little boy standing at the top of the stairs that led to the stockroom.

I had constant bad dreams of the stock room and staffroom while working there but it wasn`t just bad dreams about simply working, it was all centred around thoses rooms up stairs from the main shop floor.

Ghost Stories

I Have An Interest In Ghost Stories

I really want to read about your chance encounters with ghosts!!

If you have personally ever seen or felt or experienced something that you regard as a ghost then I would love to read about it. I have had a few experiences that I kinda believe to be ghostly so I thought others would too and maybe they might want to discuss it. My only rule is, that if you have never experienced something ghostly then I dont want to read about second hand stories, primary sources please!

Dirk Gently`s Holistic Detective Agency

Ok, so this is a weird question.

I am a big fan of Douglas Adams "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" and I think the recent movie was done very well given the intensity of the book(s) (a trilogy in five parts). I do think they should have endeavoured to reproduce the whole thing rather than the fragments that they wove together to produce a storyline that actually makes a kind of sense. They should have stuck to the fact that it doesn`t really make sense and that was the beauty of it. It`s the extreme escapism.

Ok, so my question is this, why shorten an insanely wild, not to mention lengthy book(s) into one film when "Dirk Gently`s Holistic Detective Agency" written by the same author, conveniently fits into one book and would probably be easier to translate into a film and still manage to make as much sense as the original book did?

I love "Dirk Gently`s Holistic Detective Agency", its genius.

RE: X- Ray Specs! Warning ADULT Theme so don`t click on whilst at work....

Its very cool, from an artistic point of view of course.

Like what has ready been said, its more real and average than you normally see around today. When put in context, a few askew breasts just makes it more interesting in my opinion. I can never understand why perfection is so desireable. It only ensures narrowminded thinking and the slow disappearance of natural (unaltered) beauty.

The "haircuts" tho...bloody itchy when that grows back but anyways. Nice detail to be able to turn them round... pure pervy delight...


RE: Fate

Ok, so fate is a word that we employ to suggest something that "might" have been inevitable? That "might" have been something that could never have been avoided? Or are we using this word the same way we use superstitions? By this I mean, fate is a way of explaining something that is hard to understand or not easy to accept.

Fate seems like a superstition to me.

If you get on a train at a certain carriage then you`ll have a better day than if you got on any other...some people may think this but it doesn`t make it true.

If you get off a train on a certain platform that has previous meaning to you then was it fate?

RE: Fate

I`m not sure I`m one to respond but you got me thinking. Thats all I`ve been doing resently...worry and think.

I am very new to my relationship but I love him so much. I have already said that him and me are very temperment, likes and dislikes but there are things that we dont agree on and things that I`m not sure he understands about me yet.

Things like my need to feel equal to him, not lesser or more, just equal. He thinks I`m smarter and he`s always saying that when I know its not true, we just have our own specialities and he is always explaning computer things to me, which I love.

Not truely sure of my point... I`m still getting to know him. Understanding and listening has always been what we strive for in this relationship because without that...there is a void or lack of trust. I tell him all my worries all my thoughts and ideas...I even email him in huge "rants" as I call them, where I just keep writing all thats on my mind and the emails get pretty big in length lol

I guess its a guy thing not to bother with talking out the non important stuff. Instead he tells me about his plans and aims and desires. I listen. He`s very optimistic.

Talk, listen and be honest. If your not naturally interested in what your partner has to say then there might be something wrong...

A (not so) typical student with money issues

I apologise for this post, my boyfriend suggested I post it and I dont think I should have now lol. Sorry

This item was edited on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 18:48

RE: Fate

I have no idea about fate, my post was really just to pose a question and give a mild example, of course the example was true so I guess I am pushed towards the idea that something like fate it at work.

The fact that my partner and I met online in a random chat room by my random question "does anybody go to uni?".

The fact that we then yahoo IM-ed until 2am in the morning. We then emailed each other for a full week without typing directly.

The weird fact that we was going to uni two blocks from my own uni and being weary of admitting this to a complete stranger (he didn`t seem that worried about telling me what uni he went too but then why would he think that I would be that near by) I didn`t tell him much facts about myself until that first week had ended.

We then caught each other online the following Saturday and we talked until very late once again. The conversation went to meeting and I this time we were mostly filled in about each other and my uni whereabouts now known.

Given what I study (art) we met the next day at an art gallery. The suddenness of the meeting was because the Monday coming was a study related field-trip for him that would last a week and he wouldn`t be able to email.

We met and we hugged straight away. The art surrounding us seem to be irrelevant for the first time in my resent life. I couldn`t stop looking at him and want so badly to be near him. He was nervous and visibly so. We kissed three times when it came time to leave each each other.

That was 5 months ago.

The fact that neither of us have ever smoked, we don`t like drinking and have never done any drugs of any sort. The fact that at the age of 11 we both went through a tough event (not the same one) The fact that the relationship we are in now is our first serious relationship of any sort.

We are so very similar and not just the ones I have mentioned above. There is more, like our love of Mild Curry flavoured Super Noodles lol

My point is simply that He and I took a huge chance in meeting so quickly or even meeting at all. I for one had had bad experiences with men and had no reason to believe that any man was going to make me feel happy or safe or anything that I know now to be true. Not that I`m saying I need a man to make me feel that but intimacy was something I was lacking at the time and I was fueled by that to take so many risks. Like letting someone get close enough to me.

Maybe it was a form of fate. I had bad experiences and wanted to feel the good side of all the bad that was ever laid upon me. All the predetermined thoughts of experience and knowledge. Or a Hollywood ideal... "You`ve Got Mail". (I doubt)

Maybe it was just coincidence and nothing more. I had known other guys (not nice ones and had kept them physically away from me) I knew what I was looking for from a man and didn`t need to look for long to find it. Maybe I just knew exactly what I wanted and that`s why it was so easy.

I can`t express enough how happy I am now, and how easy it is to forget all the bad things in my past when I`m with him. I`m happy so I`m not going to dwell on this post any more. There`s no need to find fault with something that works so well.

I love him


Have you ever wondered if fate is really...well...real?

Tons of things have happened and do happen that is bizzarly convinent or not as the case may be.

Take for example how my Boyfriend and I met. We meet so quickly and sparked immediately and now 5 months down the line we are talking about moving in together and dare I say...marriage...somewhere in the future (his words, not mine). We met such a short time ago and now I`m faced with something more serious than I have ever known in my entire life. The good thing is that he is in the same situation as myself and is facing all the same emotions too. This is a safe and loving relationship and full of trust...but I keep thinking (as does he) that this is far too fast and especially since this is both our first serious relationship.

However, I think this will all be ok because it feels good and it feels right. Most importantly, I`m happy.