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Page 1 of Ghost Stories

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Ghost Stories

freaky_thelma (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st April 2006, 19:51

I Have An Interest In Ghost Stories

I really want to read about your chance encounters with ghosts!!

If you have personally ever seen or felt or experienced something that you regard as a ghost then I would love to read about it. I have had a few experiences that I kinda believe to be ghostly so I thought others would too and maybe they might want to discuss it. My only rule is, that if you have never experienced something ghostly then I dont want to read about second hand stories, primary sources please!

RE: Ghost Stories

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 21st April 2006, 22:27

When I was younger, wierd things used to happen in my bedroom and it used to scare the cr*p out of me. There used to be a tapping at the window at night, things used to move around to the extent that my lava lamp fell off the table when I was on the other side of the room and smashed on the floor one night, and I used to hear voices in the night. I was convinced it was just my overactive imagination for a while, but then my younger brother moved into that room and said he heard similar things...we eventually managed to convince Dad that we weren`t imagining things and he spent a night in the room. He never said a word about it, but hung a cross over the door the following day and checks on my brother who still has to sleep in there 3 or 4 times a night.

When I moved in with my fiance, I kept hearing footsteps in the hallway which freaked me out as I kept thinking there was someone there, but after a few months of getting up every time I heard them and going and checking every time I heard them, I decided we had a stray cat coming in, or something else along those lines. A while ago, I was in the flat by myself with our cat on my lap when I heard the footsteps, which I ignored (but moved so my back wasnt to the door anymore so I could keep an eye out) but then the cats fur went all up on end and she went all growly, so I decided to check it out,and there was a bloke standing in the hall. He looked about fifty five years old and was wearing clothes that looked like they came out of the wartime. Never saw him again, but still heard the footsteps regularly...But somehow after seeing the bloke, I wasn`t scared of it anymore.

Both experiences sound completely made up now I look back at what I`ve written, but they`re both true, and both were very strage experiences to have. Dunno for certain if they were ghosts or what, but thats what I believe.

If you don`t believe in oral sex, keep your mouth shut!

RE: Ghost Stories

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 21st April 2006, 22:46

I saw a guy who kinda looked like Patrick Swayze once. Does that count?

RE: Ghost Stories

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 21st April 2006, 22:51

I saw a guy who kinda looked like Patrick Swayze once. Does that count?
That`s gotta be the best ghost story I heard in a long time! :D

If you don`t believe in oral sex, keep your mouth shut!

RE: Ghost Stories

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 21st April 2006, 22:54

To tell you the truth, he looked more like his brother Don, so actually, it`s not that exciting... :(

RE: Ghost Stories

freaky_thelma (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st April 2006, 22:58

Thats exactly what I`m looking for, thank you!

I`ll tell you one of my experiences. When I was 18 I worked for a small company in my local town. I used to always be the first one into the staff room and the last one to leave every day that I worked. Every morning I would enter the staff room to see all the coat hanger on the floor (this was where we hung our coats and bags) sometimes there would be one on the floor and sometimes only a few hangers would be on the ground. Everyday would be different. I would lift them all and wonder why they had fallen. It wasn`t wind because the only window in the room was barred shut. Anyway, at the end of the day I would lock the door of the staff room after checking to make sure the hangers were all up on the rail. The next morning they would be down or partly down. It was so annoying but it was like a game somehow.

Another thing that happened at that place of work was when I was doing a stock check in the stock room which was in plain view of the staffroom door. I had been up there for over an hour when there was a rapid banging sound from the staff room. No one was in there and I was alone in the stock room so I froze and dropped my clipboard. I turned round and saw a flickering shaddow under the staffroom door, it moved in time with the banging. It sounded more like someone jumping up and down. I decided to go back down to the shop floor. My manager called me in and asked if I was ok. I told her what I`d seen. She simply said "So you`ve seen him too". She told me that the girl before me who I was employed to replace had seen a little boy standing at the top of the stairs that led to the stockroom.

I had constant bad dreams of the stock room and staffroom while working there but it wasn`t just bad dreams about simply working, it was all centred around thoses rooms up stairs from the main shop floor.

RE: Ghost Stories

freaky_thelma (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st April 2006, 23:01

I saw a guy who kinda looked like Patrick Swayze once. Does that count?

No, this doesn`t count :P
It would if he were dead, of which he is not (thats not a request to kill him though!) lol

RE: Ghost Stories

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 21st April 2006, 23:01

Thats exactly what I`m looking for, thank you!

Awww, shucks - don`t mention it. I`m just glad my run in with a Z-list celebrity looky-likey has given you some comfort.

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