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Page 1 of Fate

General Forum


freaky_thelma (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 00:38

Have you ever wondered if fate is really...well...real?

Tons of things have happened and do happen that is bizzarly convinent or not as the case may be.

Take for example how my Boyfriend and I met. We meet so quickly and sparked immediately and now 5 months down the line we are talking about moving in together and dare I say...marriage...somewhere in the future (his words, not mine). We met such a short time ago and now I`m faced with something more serious than I have ever known in my entire life. The good thing is that he is in the same situation as myself and is facing all the same emotions too. This is a safe and loving relationship and full of trust...but I keep thinking (as does he) that this is far too fast and especially since this is both our first serious relationship.

However, I think this will all be ok because it feels good and it feels right. Most importantly, I`m happy.

RE: Fate

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 00:40

No such thing as Fate (or fate) in my opinion.

RE: Fate

zcool202 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 00:48

I for one believe in fate.

Similar circumstances funnily enough. Meeting my girl was so... meant to be. Different for everyone I guess.


RE: Fate

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 00:52

So what kind of fate led people to the Holocaust or a Tsunami, for instance?

RE: Fate

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 00:54

I believe that everything is pre-determined. Whether they be good or bad.......


RE: Fate

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 01:03

Predetermined to live a miserable life? Who designed this thing called "fate"? What happened to free will/choices made?

RE: Fate

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 01:31

Every choice is based on experience though- and of course, everyone was raised by someone acting on their experience aswell. So, there`s no such thing as choice, free-will, or even organic opinion. Every thought is based on a previous thought and every choice is like a reflex...

Which, actually, supports the theory that EVERYTHING is pre-determined. As, for instance, if you`re raised by hippies, you`ll either be a hippy yourself, or rebel against the hippy thing, depending on certain factors (factors which are all pre-determined, just like everything).

I don`t believe in the Hollywood interpretation of the whole thing AT ALL though- where everything is some awesome plan by a supreme deity or whatever. No, it`s far more mundane and frightening than that IMO. I mean, some people meet their partner in a fortunate way yes, but there are plenty of people who never meet anyone of the opposite sex that they connect with EVER(!) so there`s no rule to any of it.

And just remember, whatever your reaction to this post is- the reaction is based on your experience/knowledge and how it relates to what you already know (or think you know) Therefore your reaction is pre-determined...

RE: Fate

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 02:06

Much good food for thought there Tony.
Working on it.
Nice one.

This item was edited on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 03:06

RE: Fate

LondonLee (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 02:50

I can see this topic turning into The Matrix: Revolutions, Scene 28 - The Architect, lots of pointless babble (starting in this post no doubt lol), anyway...

Had we be presently living in the times of Edo 1600`s, I may have believed in Fate/Destiny. By today`s standards, `Fate` is merely a word used when trying to sum up either a positive or negative context, similar to Good luck, Bad Luck. People tend to believe/question Fate once they are riding in either of these contexts, more so the positive - like now, when you`ve had time to pause in between all of the good times, and think to yourself.

lol - No one likes to proclaim `Fate` after being stabbed while bleeding to death on a hospital bed, for example.

You sound like your having a really good run in life, treasure it and concentrate on never letting it end, instead of wondering if a higher meaning has any part to play. :)

Disclaimer: Alcohol induced response

This item was edited on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 03:55

RE: Fate

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 04:36

If literal predestination exists, then nobody is responsible for their actions because nobody has free will. It`s ridiculous.

Meeting someone and them being the perfect person for you is different than "fate", IMHO.


This item was edited on Sunday, 9th October 2005, 05:39

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