Info and forum posts by 'Spock'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 19th May 2001, 22:12, Last used: Saturday, 19th May 2001, 22:12

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Electronics engineer with nearly 40 years experience in design and manufacture. Holder of several patents and one time supplier to Swan Housewares, GKN Sankey, C & A Modes. Recently involved in hacking DVD region codes and disabling Macrovision. Several years in Spain hacking Satellite Viewing Cards etc.

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Back by popular demand - what players have you all got then ?

plenty of people can chip RV40 these days, even do macro off.

My player well it`s all the way from Hong Kong
Panasonioc SDK1
Multi region, RCE compatable, Macrovision Off, 5 disc changer, built in 6 chanel 350W amp, AM/FM tuner, twin tape decks (not much use these days) and Karaoki (not that I can sing). Only thing is it does not have RGB output.

Techtronics Anything good to say

Having read the sager `Techtronics Be Warned!
Does anyone have anything good to say about this company?
They seem to be one of the largest companies doing DVD modifications and have been around almost as long as DVD itself. If they are as bad to customers as portrayed how do they survive.


Just in case there is anyone out there that is not aware of it, this magical disc is nothing more than the standard Panasonic Test Disc. Panasonic put in the back door to the region codes etc for their own engineer`s use. Simply play the disc, wait until the end of the baby scene and enter the code.

RE: JVC522 or SAMSUNG511 in exchange for LG3200 ?

Personally I would go for the JVC. It can be chipped for region free, which by the way will play RCE discs, and fully Macrovision disabled. Alternatively you could try getting in touch with LG, I am sure they would like to know about any Retailer that is treating there customers this way. I understand that LG have a policy whereby they themselves will replace any faulty player, deliver to your door and collect the faulty unit.

RE: What about Rotel 985 and Yamaha S-700 ?

Yamaha S-700 is a Panasonic A350 with a different badge. A bit long in the tooth now I would have thought. Have a look at the new Toshiba 210, as far as I am aware it is being sold ready chipped for around £200-00. At least you will have up to date technology.

RE: TECHTRONICS... competitors view

Can`t help noticing the time and date of this posting, strange that it has taken 12 months to complain about this incident. Might have helped others if you had posted it a bit sooner. Would be good to hear from anyone else with similar experiences with any supplier.

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th May 2001, 15:18

RE: Toshiba 210E

It also has RGB for even better picture quality. I my opinion this is the best value for money available today. Only drawback I can see with this player is for those with large projectors that suffer with Macrovision, it is dificult to remove macrovision on this model.


Just gave the guy 3 web sites where he can get his JVC chipped. Not had time to read the rules but none of these site are connected to me in any way so I guess this is not an infringement.
Back to the point, this guy Gaz has got the cheek of the devil. I know for a fact that the PS2 chip he is selling was ripped off from the original Swedish designer (he even had to employ a Russian to do this). Unfortunately for all (except the original designer) this was only a prototype and has many minor problems. It will not play all discs, it is likely to crash after prolonged operation and only works on the current versions. I look forward to the next firmware release, that will sort the men from the boys.

RE: JVC 522 SL

If you are still looking for a chip try one of the following.

I know for sure they can help you.