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Bargain Buckets Forum

Attention Bargain Hunters!!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 09:56

Just a quick word of warning. Well not really a warning, just advice on a potential false economy.

For any of you lovely bargain hunters planning on buying the 6.99 Donnie Darko from CD-WOW (or anywhere else), my advice is to think again. The 10.99 region 1 version from CD-WOW is certainly worth the extra 4 quid.

My mate ordered the region 3 and i got the region 1. I know some people are not that arsed about content, but the region 1 contains deleted scenes, which flesh out the story immesurably (including franks motives) and a superb music video for the `Mad World` cover, amongst other things. And a heart stopping 5.1 soundtrack. The R3 has none of these and just a stereo soundtrack. It truly is 4 pounds well spent as it adds much more than this to the cinematic experience.

So in our opinion (my mate has flogged his R3 to his local Another World, and ordered the R1), the R1 is certainly worth the extra pennies.

Something to think about.

RE: Attention Bargain Hunters!!

Jon Bayliss (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 10:55

I just recieved my R1 from for about £7, pretty much the same price as the R3, and less than the R1 from CDWOW

RE: Attention Bargain Hunters!!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 12:09

Its about 7.99 on movietyme too. I order from cd-wow because they have never let me down. I can justify occasionally overlooking a bargain elsewhere to be 99% certain the dvd will be with me within 5 WD, with no real problems. Also, rather frustratingly, i dont have a credit card.

But the point is still valid. R1 good. R3 Bad.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 12:13

RE: Attention Bargain Hunters!!

drlazarus (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 12:22

Got mine from, when it was first advertised, for a stonking £5.99 !!

Bloody good movie by the way!!

RE: Attention Bargain Hunters!!

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 12:32

yub yub


RE: Attention Bargain Hunters!!

Soprano (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 13:02

The R1 copy only cost £5 odd last week at some site. dvdsoon? dvdimport?

RE: Attention Bargain Hunters!!

MackemX (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 14:10

when you compare Region 3 to Region 1, Region 1 normally whups Regions 3`s for content

thats why a lot of Region 3`s on CD-Wow are cheaper if you check, I doubt I will ever buy a Region 3 again unless it actually does contain more than any other Region

RE: Attention Bargain Hunters!!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 15:34

The only R3's I ever buy are HK stuff and the occasional jap release films like shaolin soccer or avalon. It doesn't matter that there is no extra stuff on there or an english language version.

I wonder just how many copies of DD will have been sold in this country by the time metodome get their arses in gear? It came out mid-ish 2001 and we get the dvd nearly 2 years later. Gah!

RE: Attention Bargain Hunters!!

mavrik (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 18:09

The R1 of DD from dvdimport has all the extras, 5.1, music vid, deleted scenes and stuff. Was about 5.35 last week when I ordered it, it`s £7 now I think. Possibly one of the best fivers I`ve spent!

RE: Attention Bargain Hunters!!

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 19:46

Watching the `Mad World` cover in the extras is excellent. They`ve really edited the footage so well to tie in with each line. Good stuff and can`t wait to watch this film again.


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