Page 1 of Actimel

Bargain Buckets Forum


Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 15:22

Actimel is quite expensive normally i think (for what they are anyway)

Was in Sainsburys today and they had an offer of 2x8 bottles for £3. which is quite good


RE: Actimel

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 15:25

Is this another unknown make of player sold by the likes of Lidl ? ;)

RE: Actimel

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 16:28

bacteria man...

`I plan to live forever, or die trying` ;)

RE: Actimel

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 19:01

I read somewhere that your body makes more than enough of the "good" bacteria naturally, so these things are a waste of money. Plus you get the same bacteria in Shape yoghurts which are much cheaper.

Of course, I am recorded in the Guiness Book of Records as the least healthy person in the history of time, so you may chose to ignore my advice. :D

A witty saying proves nothing. - Voltaire

RE: Actimel

Jezzer128 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 21:07

Is this another unknown make of player sold by the likes of Lidl ?lol

This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 21:08

RE: Actimel

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 23:35

That actimel stuff is just a placebo. When a relative was in hospital, they suggested using this to the doctor to help with an intestinal problem they had, and the doctor said that if the stuff is left out of the fridge for more than about 20mins then the bacteria die anyway. I used to work for a `well known supermarket` and can guarantee that the stuff is left out of the fridge for longer than that - mormally 1-1.5 hours on nights. :o

...some kind of superstar*

RE: Actimel

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st January 2004, 09:27

UC thats well interesting - ive bought my bottles anyway, i`ll drink them for the next two weeks and then i wont bother!


RE: Actimel

harry66 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 21st January 2004, 10:55

Another point - the bad bacteria in your tummy loves sugar and feeds of it. What does Actimel contain? Sugar!!
So, even if you did manage to get some benefit out of it in the form of Good bacteria, it is also feeding the bad bacteria at the same time!!

RE: Actimel

footey (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 21st January 2004, 16:28

Well i am going to back this stuff up,its worked wonders for me. 3 years of stomach hell came to an end thanks to that little bottle.Great price by the way.

RE: Actimel

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st January 2004, 18:02

When I was sharing a house with some friends I had a botle of this stuff that I had forgot about in the fridge. One night when we were watching a film BANG We had know idea what it was untill someone went to get a beer. Opon opening the fridge we were cofronted by a pink smelly slime covering everything. Anyway we blamed kerry and made her clean it up.

All the best,

The 42%er.

Give me a chance to shine and I will blind the world.

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