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The best game music ever????

Westy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 09:00

Titke says it all really, can be from any console you care to imagine. Your top 5 please! (in no particular order!)

1. Streets of Rage 2 (god bless, the megadrives` w***y soundchip actually proved it could sing once and for all!)
2. Soul Calibur- Dreamcast; Proof that even dodgy synth orchestra`s can sound good with a little imagination
3. SSX Tricky- PS2; Top quality stuff, love that voice over!
4. Contra Spirits 3- Super Nintendo; The first game i played where the music actually added some excitement to the on screen action. The stage on the hover bikes is quality stuf indeed!
5. Outrun- Arcade; Last, but most certainly not least. Possibly THE grooviest and most treasured music in gaming history. Ask any arcade driving veteran what the soundtrack for him was, and this will come up at least once in the conversation!

I`m sure there are thousands more....


RE: The best game music ever????

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 15:49

I like most of Rob Hubbard/Martin Galway 8bit music. For me:

1. Thrust
2. Wizball
3. Hawkeye
4. Ghosts n` Goblins
5. Sanxion

This item was edited on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 15:53

RE: The best game music ever????

Chris Cox (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 16:10


I actually have a CD of a rock band playing C64 classic`s great and has been a permanent fixture in my car autochanger since I got it...

(can`t believe I just admitted that!)

RE: The best game music ever????

lardarse (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 16:15

WIZBALL on the C64 was truly fantastic

RE: The best game music ever????

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 16:21

Chris, I can`t believe you just said that...mind you, I`ve got a SID player on my desktop to play tunes, so what does this need to answer... ;-)

RE: The best game music ever????

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 21:18

Crazy Taxi
SSX Tricky
Fifa 98
Devil May Cry

RE: The best game music ever????

skirpy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th March 2002, 21:33

Final Fantasy Tactics

Resident Evil Series

Soul Calibur

Jet Set Radio Future

Story Of Thor

RE: The best game music ever????

jonboy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th March 2002, 11:54

1.thunderforce series on md(especially 4)
2.devil may cry
3.gynorg(md shooter)
4.streets of rage series
5.metal gear sold 1 and 2.

RE: The best game music ever????

Richard_lench (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th March 2002, 13:43

Super Mario 3 (NES)
Mega Bomberman (SNES)
Final Fantasy 8
Metal Gear Solid

Lots more but these are my favourites

RE: The best game music ever????

ram (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 28th March 2002, 15:51

Manic Miner
Jet Set Willy
Wonderboy 2

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