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Page 1 of Finally, Batman vs. Superman movie in the works...

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Finally, Batman vs. Superman movie in the works...

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 11:06 be made by Wolfgang Petersen:

Not sure if this is a good or a bad thing.

RE: Finally, Batman vs. Superman movie in the works...

General Thade (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 22:07

My money is on Superman...

RE: Finally, Batman vs. Superman movie in the works...

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 22:52

My money is on it being terrible. The last Batman and Superman films weren`t exactly quality. ;)

RE: Finally, Batman vs. Superman movie in the works...

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 23:18

QUALITY? Come on, we are talking 1978 when the first Superman was made, what more could you expect.

With today`s computer and visual technology id like to think Superman`s gonna be a good one!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 23:21

RE: Finally, Batman vs. Superman movie in the works...

jonboy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th July 2002, 23:50

flash back to the crappy effects in the tv series.lets hope the actor who plays him isnt as wooden as dean cain.wouldnt mind teri hatcher as louis though.

B vs S - who cares Aliens Vs Predator plz

DVDan (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 01:13

This sucks !

How can this be a major picture....its so dumb.

Besides, its an unfare fight..... Batman is human......Superman is super-strong alien.....hes gonna kick his ass

PLEASE GOD.....give us ALIENS VS PREDATOR !!!!! please, I`ve be waiting for this damn movei ever since I was 10 or something

Maybe with this and Freddy vs Jason in the works, maybe fox will take notice

RE: B vs S - who cares Aliens Vs Predator plz

Geezer1 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 02:19

Me too, used to read the comics and would love to see it with the marines in it too of course

RE: B vs S - who cares Aliens Vs Predator plz

movie_buff (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 10:21

aliens vs predator is the most likely as both are owned by fox studios

RE: B vs S - who cares Aliens Vs Predator plz

Epyon (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 11:23

LOL batman vs superman what a crock of s***, Aliens VS predator would be a much better movie jesus these studios are on crack or something

RE: B vs S - who cares Aliens Vs Predator plz

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 10th July 2002, 13:11

Why would Batman and Superman want a fight? Did Superman slip Catwomen one or somthing?

All the best ,


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