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FOA the moderators

Mad Spoon, Me I am 25% I am (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 12:47

Please read all of this thread

URL now removed, as thread closed. (Edited by Moderator)

This item was edited on Sunday, 6th October 2002, 01:30

RE: FOA the moderators

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 19:24

Funniest thread i`ve seen in a while - but one question....

You yourself acknowledged the presence of more than one of the Mods in that thread, so what is the point of this one???

(Buy PS2!!!)

RE: FOA the moderators

duder (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 20:29

lmfao - there was loads of pulling hair, scratching faces and tripping over handbags.

Please miss tell him he`s been bad. Lads it`s a forum - just grow up and don`t take everything tooooooo personally!!!


RE: FOA the moderators

martymcfly (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 22:34

I agree with the duder.

Get a life......or lives, all of you, but then again if we had lives this site would close down!!!!!

It is just a forum, take deep breaths and count to ten, ( ironduke if you can`t get all the way up to ten get a grown up to help )

Handbags at dawn.....

Well at least I got a laugh.

Have a nice day ya`wll.

This item was edited on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 22:35

RE: FOA the moderators

Rob_B (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 22:36

Must disagree, i`m sure others have been banned for less than what ironduke was getting away with, think i`ll start calling evryone gay/retards etc and see how long it is until i get banned, a day maybe?

Granted its a forum and they`re only words but there seems to be selective moderating going on.

"We WILL NOT tolerate abuse, excessive flaming, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, or distasteful language on these forums."

This seems to be 3 inches above where i`m writing on my screen, funny that eh?

This item was edited on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 22:38

RE: FOA the moderators

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 23:00

personally, when threads get this petty and arguementative, I stop reading them

RE: FOA the moderators

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 23:06

Just read this at The Suns Dear Deidre section:

Sounds like the kind of thing The Ironduke would do!

"MY boyfriend dumped me because I dropped his PlayStation console.

We started dating a year ago and were devoted to each other. He is 19 and I am 18.

One night we shared a romantic evening and he slept over. He told me he loved me and talked about moving in together.

Then, while moving his PlayStation I accidentally dropped it and he hasn't talked to me since.

My parents say to forget him but I can't."

RE: FOA the moderators

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 23:06

Personally, when threads get this petty and argumentative, I read them till the end. It just makes it funnier when children like Mad Spoon create a thread like this one to try to draw the mods attention to a thread that at least two of them have posted in!!

RE: FOA the moderators

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 5th October 2002, 23:35

I think your missing the point though. The whole thing went off the minute someone replied to Ironduke`s post. In between the offensive remarks people were trying to get sensible discussions/opinions across - and the principle of the whole reason Mad Spoon made this thread was to make the Mods aware of what was going on with Ironduke etc.

Okay, perhaps people were taking it too seriously - but you know some people do take real offense to things people say to you in forums, especially when its a blatant disregard for the set rules which we all have to abide by. The last thing you want is someone completely undermining you when your trying to get your point across by making homophobic remarks etc. Why should we have to stand for it?

RE: FOA the moderators

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th October 2002, 01:29

I have closed the thread as it was hopelessly way off-topic and serving little useful function.

A new discussion thread sticking solely to the issue of the PS2 as a Tivo has been opened here

Any slight deviation from the subject matter will be deleted.

If people act like children on these Forums, I`m happy to treat them as such.


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