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General Forum - Any Catches???

Kain^ (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th October 2002, 11:50

Been of this site that looks strangly like Birttania and they have the complete Lord Of The Rings set for £1 under thier introductory offer, and they claim that there is no catches but i want to hear if anyone has joined and found out first hand weather there is or isn`t.


Edit - This is for books...

This item was edited on Monday, 7th October 2002, 11:51

RE: - Any Catches???

mavrik (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th October 2002, 21:08

No catches!

I love TSP. I was wary, after being stung in a massive way by Britania, but TSP aren`t like that. The follow-up special offers aren`t very good, but you don`t have to buy them.

RE: - Any Catches???

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th October 2002, 23:38

You need to read what the commitment is you`re signing up for. I joined the book club ages ago and you just had to receive the magazine for 6 months to fulfil your commitment, which I did. You didn`t have to buy anything else if you didn`t want to.

Then I contacted customer services to ask if they could stop sending me the Recommended Book Of the Month forms which you had to cancel or they automatically sent the book out (like Britannia). They told me to just ignore the forms, as I didn`t need to cancel them cos I`d met my commitment. I`d still receive them, but they`d put a note on my account to say not to send the books unless specifically asked.

All went well for about 6 months, then I started receiving books I didn`t order. I had a bit of a problem getting them to send returns labels, and stopping them from sending them. I even asked them to close my account altogether and they still kept coming. They were a nightmare to deal with in the end.

The guy I spoke to at customer services even insisted that I couldn`t have an agreement like that cos they didn`t do it. I told him I still had the email from the lady who dealt with me, and he said I couldn`t have. Even after I sent him the email he wouldn`t accept it....what a joke!

Also if you use the online account function, you notice that the book of the month gets added a lot more often than once a month. Every time you check there seems to be a new one there, even if you haven`t received a paper rejection slip. I think it`s just a way to send you stuff you didn`t order, in the hope you`ll just keep it.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th October 2002, 00:44

RE: - Any Catches???

FuzzyBoy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th October 2002, 01:37

I am a member of both Tsp and Just Good Books - they are both from the BCA stable and are almost identical but with slight differences. If I want the recommended title from JGB I have to select it but if I DON`T want it from Tsp I have to say so. I have frequently rejected the rec. title from Tsp but still received it - this causes no end of hassle `cos their CS leaves a lot to be desired!

If you want cheap books try (also part of BCA) who have revamped their operation and offer all top titles at 60% off with £1 p&p. And with no further commitment.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th October 2002, 01:39

RE: - Any Catches???

LBM (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 8th October 2002, 07:37

Don`t Do it!!!

There are no catches to this club, but as the guys above say, the bar stewards keep sending you crap you don`t ask for and then try and charge you the p&p fees for sending you the damn thing!

Even when you cancel the editors choice on the web, you sometimes still get it.

RE: - Any Catches???

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 8th October 2002, 09:00

Have had no problems. Just make sure that once youve bought everything you need to buy then call them and either threaten to leave or get them to bar the recommended title arriving all the time. Ive been a member for 6 or m years and havent needed to decline the recommended title for 3 years now.

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