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SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th October 2002, 13:01

Heard on the grapevine that Sky are putting up their prices again in Dec / Jan. Anyone know what the new prices are??

RE: SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mikeyb (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th October 2002, 13:58

There is a covering letter in with the magazine we all `subscribe` to

This item was edited on Friday, 25th October 2002, 13:59

RE: SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th October 2002, 14:08

Sorry haven`t had my mag yet?

RE: SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th October 2002, 14:46

We have the package without the sport or movies and it is increasing from £16 to £18.50. Thats works out at about 16%,no idea what the increase on the full package will be.TBH I like Sky`s range of channels but I`m a bit pi**ed off that they are increasing the price by such a large percentage.The reason they are giving is that ,quote,
"Over the past year our costs have risen and as a result,from 1 January 2003,the price of your Sky digital subscription will increase.This will allow us to continue to bring you an ever-improving service and we`ve tried to keep what we pass on to you at a minimum".
I take it they think that by filling Sky One`s air time with an ever increasing number of shows filled with mind numbing s***e and fly on the wall rc[at]p is an improvement.I don`t see it that way myself.
If they want to improve the service how about a system that doesn`t switch to a random channel,loses the channel info in the banner,resets itself ,cannnot find channel listings,locks up.Ach tae hell wi` it ahm aff fur a lie doon :-) :-)
I wonder if the FBU had a hand in the rise :-) :-) Only kidding.

RE: SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th October 2002, 14:56

Couldn`t agree more, so i`ll be looking at about £40+ for the full package :(( I think not, i suppose the increase is to re-coup some money back for having the Champions league football next season?? Time to down grade my subs i think, i hardly watch the movies anyway and as for the sport i`ll miss it but you`ve got to draw the line somewhere!!

RE: SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gerald (Competent) posted this on Friday, 25th October 2002, 15:03

Probably upping the price to make up for the £50 drop in sky+ price!!!!!

RE: SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

REALPAUL H (Competent) posted this on Friday, 25th October 2002, 15:32

It sucks!!!!

But, at least we have the choice as to whether we subscibe or not - i can`t remember the last time i watched BBC....

RE: SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th October 2002, 16:10

Cant believe the prices going up again. The problem is Sky are in a win win situation, theres noone to challenge them. So they can charge what they like and fill the channels with turd!

RE: SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th October 2002, 21:40

Nothing to do with ntl completely ripping off their Premiership Plus package then (ie £1 a month for ntl subscribers, £5 a game for Sky subscribers, cue exodus of Sky subscribers to ntl...) ?

Cynical ? Me ? Never.... ;-)

RE: SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

andyrh68 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 25th October 2002, 21:50

After the last price increase, I told myself that if I see another price increase before the year is out, I`d cancel Sky. I think I`d rather spend £40 quid on a couple of DVD`s, a PS2 game or a book or three a month, than continue to give it to the robbing bar stewards at sky for another month of Hitler, Sharks, Cookery, DIY, shopping, reality TV uncut crap and more repeats than the BBC could shake a stick at.

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