Page 1 of Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

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Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

Westy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 12:05

Good day to you!

Well, this morning was a real laugh. Having left work at around 9.30 after a hard night shift, i thought a nice, pleasant `sunday style` drice home was on the cards. BUT NO!!

As i approach the roundabout that takes me away from work to the dual carriageway, some idiot decides he wants to not only cut me up, but also `challenge` me to a race. Sigh...

Anyways, here am i, in my Mondeo TDci, heavy as f***, up against a Honda Civic Type R, (which is the motoring equivalent of someone strapping a jet engine to a pushchair), sitting at the traffic lights. The kid and his, (admittedly rather smart), looking girlfriend/wife/lover are looking quite eager to `try it on`, as i`d objected - via hand gesture, of course - to his previous actions.

Fair enough, i thought, f*** it, lets see if i can do it!! Now, bearing in mind the weight difference here in both cars, i thought i had no chance, But!! I do possess an advanced drivers certificate, and was partly taught by my grandad, (ex police motorway driver - RIP), to drive tidy rather than like a twat.

With his Type R engine revving and car ever moving forward - i sat patiently, i know the traffic light timing as well as my mum, so as soon as it hit green, (notice green, my car has far, far greater torque and power in lower gears than his, fact fans!!), i planted the accelarator to the upholstery and lirerally thought i was going to take off!! I could not believe the amount of power this thing was shovelling! I must have caught him up in about 3 seconds, then just soared ahead til he could catch me no more.

He eventually managed to catch me up at the motorway services, but by then his fuel was probably gone from so much accelaration!

I`m not saying a Mondeo is faster, (though it does have the snazzy new high pressure turbine engine), but in the wrong hands, even the best car can be a pile of cack!

Just a bit of fun to brighten up someones day, (though totally pointless!!)

Certainly brightened up my morning!

Merry, Christmas Eve Eve to everyone!


RE: Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 13:24

Did you missed the speed camera? ;-)

RE: Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

kywy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 13:45

Given the publicity about several deaths this year resulting from pointless duals like this there`s not much fun involved.
Your Granddad must be turning in his grave.

RE: Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 13:55

Well done Westy! Maybe the prick in the Civic wont challenge anyone else, perhaps in a built up area containing schools.

RE: Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 14:49

Advanced driving certificate or not, this sort of macho behaviour places lives at risk. Without wishing to insult Westy, the whole story did seem to be about him asserting his superiority over a lesser man/boy.

RE: Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

Chris Cox (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 15:42

And let`s face it, if the bloke in the Civic had actually tried, you would have got hosed!

I used to have a Civic VTi, it was great slamming the engine up to 8000rpm as the VTEC kicked in.

Traded it in for something slightly more sedate...

RE: Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

Ryno_Dod (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 17:29

oh i just love these type of threads what is meant to be a bit of a lads/ladette`s type story ends up with BLAH BLAH dead kids BLAH BLAH your a twot BLAH BLAH WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!! just like the speeding one a few months back WELL big up to ya westy boy we all have these moments in life dont make a habit (hobbit?) of it and dont do it in built up areas
P.S if ya ever near junc 21 M1 and fancy a pop at a ZZR11 give us a shout ;-)


RE: Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 17:48

ZZR11MAT, Paul at the shop here in Leicester Has a ZZR1100 Evolution (155 ponys at the back wheel) good for a ton 70+ (under test conditions of course) Paul says please pop by at some point to discuss what pussys thouse Porsche and Ferrari drivers realy are. (Paul would like to point out that this is in a non sexual sense of the word pussy)

All the best and a respctfull nod to all bikers out there. (not including harly drivers)

The 42%er, and Paul.

RE: Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

Ryno_Dod (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 17:52

it would be a pleasure (hope you got over that knock you took mate, i did a few weeks on the doors at O`NIELLS gave up when you see the way folks treat each other after a drink and that includes the so called doormen :-(

This item was edited on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 18:16

RE: Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

Westy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd December 2002, 22:05


In all seriousness, yes it was a bit silly, but had this been on a more rural, public rd - i wouldn`t have even thought about it.

I was trying to highlight the fact that he just didn`t have a clue about how to drive his car whatsoever, so why bloody buy one?? He`d have been better off buying a Nissan Micra.

As for my grandad turning in his grave? No way, he was always getting peeved with `boy racers` who always tried to cut him up, so he used to lash them in his Mitsubishi V6 and leave them for dust. Still maintain he was one of the best 68 yr old drivers in the world! Awesome... :-)

To those i`ve upset or offended, i do apologise :-(


(Walking to work tonight)

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