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Page 1 of My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

General Forum

My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 17:52

Time for one of my rants -

As a sales rep for a company i drive around 25,000 miles per year and therefore i get to see alot of peoples driving habits and so on.

After having just driven home from London i am absolutely fuming.

Before i carry on this has NOTHING to DO with SPEEDING.

Why dont a surprising amount of STUPID DUMBASS drivers use the slow lane at all??? They avoid it like the plague and they actually CAUSE accidents - yes CAUSE them. You wanna why??

Well, when they`re poncing about in the middle lane and not OVERTAKING anyone which is what the Middle and Fast lanes are supposed to be used for, they create a bottle neck in the fast lane which decreases other driver`s braking distances and therefore in the event of something going wrong they have less time to brake and more time to smack in to the driver in front. Simple.

I`m afraid to say that it is actually mostly women, old people, and twats in BMWs IMHO based purely from my observations (although i know this will cause outrage amongst some of you - but i dont really care right now)

As this winds me up so much if someone is in the middle lane AND DOESNT NEED TO BE then i will quite rightly flash my lights at you. This isnt because i wanna get a one up on anyone - its bacause of genuine road safety. Why the hell should i have to cut across three lanes (from the slow lane right across to the fast lane) just to overtake some pr!ck in a volvo in the middle lane???!

I dont think i have ever had to use so many capital letters in my life but this is somethig that truly gets me mad and all the opinions expressed above are purely my own based on observations from driving 3-4 hours every day.

All those in favour say aye -


RE: My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 18:05

Count me in Neil, this is one of my pet hates too

RE: My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 18:09

Big `aye` from me too.

Very frustrating. Especially the look they give as you`re passing them.


RE: My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 18:10

Quite agree!...although I`m surprised the word `Volvo` arrived so late in your diatribe.

RE: My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 18:24

Couldn`t agree more, and when you give `em the stare they look at you like it`s you that`s in the wrong. TOSSERS!!!!!!!!!

RE: My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 18:27

just a quick question? were they actually driving slow or were they in fact travelling at the speed limit?.. coz i move for nee f***er if i`m doing 70 and some twat wants past

RE: My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 18:49

"were they actually driving slow or were they in fact travelling at the speed limit?.. coz i move for nee f***er if i`m doing 70 and some twat wants past"

Don`t think it matters. In fact it is that exact attitude that I think this thread is against and causes so much frustration in motorway driving.
Do you think it`s OK to do a constant 70 in the so-called fast-lane?


RE: My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 18:59

"Don`t think it matters. In fact it is that exact attitude that I think this thread is against and causes so much frustration in motorway driving.
Do you think it`s OK to do a constant 70 in the so-called fast-lane?"

Now, I was agree with this thread, but one thing that p***es me off more is f***ers who speed. I normally stick to the left lane and only overtake if need be. But I won`t speed up just because some c*** in a BMW wants past.

At first I thought you were talking about people going slower than the speed limit, but if that is not the case then I have no sympathy.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 19:01

70 is the speed limit.. if i am doing any slower.. then i will pull over.. if i am in the fast lane doing 70 and someone is behind me flashing his/her lights... i will not pull over.. i`m not helping them to break the law.. nee way..

and if they want to get out at the next services and discuss it.. i am more than willing

RE: My OfFiCial HaTe CamPaiGn AgAinSt SCuM MiDdLe DriVeRs StarTs HerE >>>

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 19:03

and what`s with the upper and lower case? is it coz yer an uber-l33et sales rep?

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