Page 1 of Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

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Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2003, 15:51

Found Beef Monster munch today, they taste as good as i remember! What other foods do u remember/miss from when you where younger? I miss Ready Salted Discos and does anyone remember Striper - a five coloured fruit flavour chew?

RE: Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2003, 15:58

I used to like that Tab Clear drink that looked like lemonade but tasted like coke. Bring it back!

Also, it`s good to that Scampi Nik-Naks have returned, though I still haven`t managed to find a packet anywhere. :-(

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

movie_buff (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2003, 16:04

sherbet dib-dabs

always outnumbered.........never outgunned

RE: Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2003, 16:19

I used to like Mountain Dew too, dunno what flavour it as but only seen it in the US since!

RE: Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2003, 16:30

Spangles made a comeback a few years ago (actually thinking about it, I was at Uni at the time so more like 8 years ago) but disappeared again quite quickly, mainly because they "weren`t as good as they used to be" - Texan Bars, they should make a come back, or Gorgon bars (green chewie bars, with black fizzy bits in, similar to Wham bars)

Time bombs, a huge sort of gobstopper that were black, made your mouth go black and were full of a sort of sherbut.

This space for sale

. <--- Except this bit, its mine.

RE: Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2003, 16:35

I`m with you Craig! God, the number of Texan bars we used to scoff as kids...frightening!

RE: Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2003, 16:44

I liked my cola/orange or apple hubba bubba, 10p a pack.
They have similar flavours now but not as good and three times the price.

Ive had a few bags of scampi nik-naks. the best thing when i was at school used ot be to open them in class and blow in to the full back, thus stinking out the whole room and making it smell like a brothel!

ah, those were the days.

Also...bring back TAb clear, you`re right - the best stuff for ages - and Mum couldnt complain as it was sugar free!


RE: Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2003, 16:56

Definetly agree Texan bars should come back, God i used to eat s*** loads of them as a kid. Ahh memories.
How about egg and milk penny chews from the tuck shop at school, ace.

RE: Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

Big Adam (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2003, 17:02

Nice n Spicy NikNaks
but above all, Whole Almond Yorkies


I let my mind wander....and it didn`t come back.

RE: Beef Monster Munch are back!!!!...What other foods should return?

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2003, 17:53

Don`t forget Skull Crushers!

Glad to see so many fellow Texan fans here!

I especially liked the way that all the chocolate fell off when you bit into them.


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