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Page 1 of The 10 things that irritate you most...

General Forum

The 10 things that irritate you most...

Westy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 11:16

Ok, confession time.

What are the top 10 things that really get your back up? Very simple for me;

[list] [*] People walking in front of you in a busy street, who suddenly stop dead in front of you to answer their mobile. >:(
[*] People who congregate in front of the train doors on a train platform as it pulls up...then don`t get on. Double >:(
[*] Customers who phone call centres and think they have a right to speak to you as if you`re a child. Untold >:( >:(
[*] Microsoft, (insert your Operating System here) >:( >:(
[*] Janine from EastEnders >:(
[*] Penis enlargement Spam Email. Unspeakable >:( >:( >:( >:(
[*] Pop Ups >:(
[*] Drivers who don`t look where they`re going >:(
[*] Drivers who insist on flashing their lights at you in the fast lane...then pull into the middle lane in front of you when you`ve moved over.Triple >:(
[*] People who don`t indicate on roundabouts >:( [/list]


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RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 11:26

I`m definitely with you the penis enlargement emails.....I`m sick and tired of being asked whether I want 10 ", as there`s no way I`m cutting two inches off for anyone.


[list=a] [*] People who don`t know how to queue and who just barge their way onto buses (for example) when they and the bus turn up at the stop at the same time
[*] Drivers who decide that it`s ok to drive through a red light at a crossing as it`s only been red for a second or two and they couldn`t be arsed to slow down on the amber
[*] Cyclists who completely ignore red lights as the Highway Code has nothing to do with them
[*] Shoppers in supermarkets who never get their money/cards ready for a quick payment and getaway
[*] Rogue apostrophe`s ;)
[*] Cold-callers from abroad who pretend they`re calling from Manchester, and will not tell the truth even when you tell them `International` has appeared on your phone display (although I understand that they may well be right)
[*] Smokers who stand outside a train door until just before it leaves and who empty the last lungful of filth inside the carriage after they`ve got on and the doors have shut
[*] People who spit on the street
[*] Dog owners who don`t clean up after their dogs (not the dog`s fault - cos if I could s*** anywhere, I would!)
[*] Lists :D [/list=a]

My collection

This item was edited on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 11:44

RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 11:58

what sites have you 2 been visiting to get these "Penis Enlargement" spams eh?
eh? eh? ;)


RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

Paull (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 12:19

I`m waiting for penis reduction sites...they don`t seem to send any of those!!! 8)

RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

julianf (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 12:27

In no particular order...

1. Drivers who throw their still-lit cigarettes out of the car window and straight into my path behind them at head height when I`m on my scooter (still, if they WANT to lose a wing mirror 8) )
2. The council thinking it`s OK to only empty the household waste wheelie-bin every other week, alternating with the recycle bin - we`re a family of 5 and produce a lot of rubbish!
3. People who spit on the street (doubly so when it`s teenage girls!!)
4. Top Ten lists :D
5. Anything on the TV with Linda Barker, adverts included - suddenly Carol Vorderman seems almost acceptable!
6. My wife`s dog jumping in my seat the second I get up, even for the shortest time, and then looking at me on my return with a `what are you going to do about it` face.
7. The price of EVERYTHING! (God I`m getting old)
8. Call Centre staff asking if you mind being called by your first name, you can hardly say `No` can you - where`s the respect? (God I`m REALLY getting old)
9. Sellers on ebay who have 3000 words of conditions on their items, each line of which usually starts `NO` - you can tell they`re w**kers who will give you no comeback whatsoever and will simply quote `It was all in my conditions - bidding on an item is an acceptance of them`...A sign of inferior products in my opinion.
10. Children-intolerant people in children-friendly pubs/restaurants/establishments - f**k off somewhere else if you want a quiet drink or meal! I always try and think of other people to a degree when we`re out and don`t let my kids run riot, and on the whole they`re well behaved, but kids are kids.

There, I feel better already.


RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 13:00

1. People who put feet on seats on public transport (I give them a right telling off).
2. People spitting in the streets.
3. Viagra spam (I already have a years supply and don`t need anymore right now thank you)
4. Drivers who seem to think it`s okay to wait on box junctions/no waiting zones.
5. People who don`t help each other out when it`s obvious someone needs a hand.
6. Charities on the street trying to get a Direct Debit out of me. All of a sudden I don`t live in this country.
7. Volunteers coming into the bar/pub/coffee shop collecting change.
8. People who say they`ll do something, then don`t, at least twice.
9. People who don`t take responsibility for themselves and what they do.
10. My brother borrowing my Ninja outfit.

Anil K, rock hard.
Site Reviewer, DVD Reviewer
My YMDB Top 20

RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

Oor Wullie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 13:34

1. The wife when she say`s No ;)
2. The wife when she means NO >:(
3. Having other peoples smoke blown in my face :(
3. OAP`s when ever I go to B&Q on a Wednesday. They just ram the trolley right into you and never apologise.
4. The ignorance of some youngsters nowadays.
5. Spitting in the street.
6. Sticky chewing gum on the pavement.
7. Inconsiderate drivers.
8. A p2p site when I cant get my download.
9. Eastenders (Hate It)
10. Coronation St (Hate It)


RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 13:38

2. Drivers who don`t signal at all.
3.Financial adverts on TV.
4. Ambulance chasing insurance companies also on TV.
5. Cold calling.
6. Post Office queues.
7. Misbehaved kids in supermarkets.
8. Great big lorries splashing through puddles when I`m out walking.
9. Endless menu trees when trying to contact a dept in a company by phone.
10. My local council.


GW6UFO is QRT at the moment

RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

elephant (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 13:39

Hi all,Crikey....where to begin here.Looking at the lists it seems that many are driving related ....and as I drive a camper van round all the time I have more than my fair share of those:

10.Drivers pulling up next to you in the turn left lane of a roundabout only to scream off ,cut in front of u and turn right.

9.This might be an unpopular one:.....just the fact that the average driving speed of just about anyone under 55 is WAY above the supposed speed limits.If u`re doing 55 done windy country A-roads u get a massive queue behind......75 on a motorway and you`re the slowest thing out there.....apart from the odd crane.There is a total set believe in people that going fast is cool and others are saddos.

8.Gangs of kids hanging about trying to stare u out as u walk by.

7.The sad feeling as u get older and learn a bit about how the world works.....that u simply have to be a twat to succeed in it.

6.The realisation that evryone has their opinion and that yours is not worth a damn.

5.The total and complete non logic and fairness that permiates the entire planet, including the deluded human over estimation of our own self worth.If evry human disappeared off the face off the earth this second do u think the universe would notice.there are millions of events occuring all over the cosmos every second that are far more important.

4.Talentless people winning `talent shows`.

3.The whole notion of `style and coolness`.......e.g This certain shirt is cool...and this one`s not.Coolness=Conformity.

2.As sure as day follows night the fact that people who ever say `I`m crazy` are the most dull,tedious people ever.

1.Anyone that fullfills All these criteria: rugby player,religious,public school educated (and enjoyed it),`into` politics.

Ahhhhhhhhhh........i can breathe out now........we need a Room Fluffy too so we can list nice things..mine would be:

1.The natural world.

2.Phil and Kirsty off Location,Location.


4.Pool.....the pub game.



7.Em........oh dear......stuck.

RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 13:51

1.) People who don`t take others into consideration. A bastard when you share a house/flat.
2.) Families with wheelchairs (especially at Xmas) who just barge around willy-nilly knocking into you without a care when you`re shopping.
3.) Kids who hang around town/public places in large groups doing f*** all but getting in the way.
4.) People who drive REALLY slowly and take ages to turn around the corner.
5.) The woman at the petrol station the other day that took literally five minutes to move away from the pump, due to talking to the person in the passenger seat and generally just being a pie-eating bitch.
6.) People with messy and dirty houses. I`m sorry but there`s no need for it, get off your ass and clean.
7.) Telesales people. I know they`re generally youngsters just earning some money (I did it myself) but it`s just one big scam.
8.) When you call customer support lines etc. and the person is foreign, so you can`t understand them and they can`t understand you. You`re in the UK for gods sake, learn the language properly if you`re going to do a job like that.
9.) People (generally kids/teenagers) who think its really funny to talk really loudly or do something to spoil the film for everyone else in the cinema. You`ve paid your money, so watch the film or f*** off.
10.) The fact that my bus fare has leaped from 70p to £1.00. Talk about a bloody increase.

I`m sure I could find 100 things that I hate with ease. :/

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

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