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Page 1 of tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

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tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

saddleass (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 12:11

hi there i thought i would just start this posting just to share with others where i was when we stood for 3 minutes and would like to see other responces from the general public . did you contribute ? here is a link you can donate
i happened to be coming out the bath when i stood for 3 minutes listening to bbc radio 2. i contributed £5 when i went to see peter pan at fairfield halls croydon on sunday 2nd jan . it would be nice to hear other brief stories . please respond to this thread if you can . thankyou

This item was edited on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 12:19

RE: tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

bikergrows (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 12:35

I know it seems like we are b%$%tards when we don`t put in to the collection buckets but donating the amount online instead means the tax benefit of I think 28% can be added to the amount too and overall you give more than if you were just donating cash

If I had a bucket full of cash I`d bank the cash, donate the equivalent to the fund via credit card and get the tax relief on top

Its always worth suggesting that to people with buckets or collecting in the shops / pubs as I`m sure some will do it and ultimately transfer more to the fund


RE: tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

BuffySlay_co_uk (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 12:52

we had the silence in our office here in Crawley, but i think its really sad we are not allowed to ring the firebell to alert people to start and end the silence - health and saftey apparantly.... it just feels that its not official even though a mail was sent to all our offices around the world.

i have cleared out my wardrobe to send clothes and blankets, and have donated some money online.... but i still feel its not enough.....

I have just seen the news reports about the children and its heartbreaking that evil ****ers are preying on them - and the 12 year swedish boy being kidnapped - like they need more paid after all this?? I had to turn the tv over this morning as was bawling my eyes out....

gosh - this started as a small peice and turned into a complete ramble...

Willow : I knew it. I knew it. Well, not in the sense of having the slightest idea, but I knew there was something I didn`t know

RE: tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

duder (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 13:03

We had it in our office and they annouced it on the tannoy system which was very handy. I think everyone here managed the silence.

RE: tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

visfix (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 13:08

We are at home, but still observed the 3 minute silence.

RE: tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

tripodjw (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 13:13

We had the silence too, and our place even used the fire alarm to signal the start and end of the 3 minutes.

It`ll be highly controversial to say this but recently i`ve had the feeling that the various charities feel the need to outdo each by increasing the length of the silence.

I fully support a minute, but i`d rather use the other 2 to donate some money or a blanket or clothes. These silences don`t feed the starving or clothe the cold, merely show respect, and that can be done in a minute rather than 3.

Plus these silences are usually instituted everywahere including schools, and it`s hard enough to get kids to be quiet for 1 minute, let alone 3. The cause is fully deserving of the recognition but i think 3 minutes is pushing the bounds of reasonableness.

And lets face it how many people thought about the tsunami victims at all, let alone for the full 3 minutes.

But if you don`t observe the silence for the full length of time then you`re considered disrespectful and inconsiderate and uncharitable.

Mods - Shouldn`t this thread be in the general forum?

RE: tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 13:16

I thought I would go into Chelsea and Westminster hospital, into the vast lobby/coffee shop area. Surely they would announce the silence over the Tannoy? Not a bit of it. The usual people yelling into their mobile `phones (forbidden, but no one cares).
I was the sole person observing the silence there.

RE: tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

Slop (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 13:58

Our workplace had one.
An email was sent out that we would be "adhereing" to it.
So,going by that you had no choice if you don`t believe in enforced grieving and thinking X minutes silences do the victims any good.
I found myself something else to do.

RE: tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

Oor Wullie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 14:04

Stood in front of the telly for the silence.
And i also put cash in the bin every time I go to my co-op. Also our church is having a collection this weekend so shall be donating there as well.


RE: tsunami did you think of the victims (3 MINUTES SILENCE) ! !

GlennTheBaker (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 14:16

3 minutes` silence observed in our shop. I also donated £10 online last night + the tax relief

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