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Page 1 of best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

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best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

Westy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th June 2001, 19:28

come on,we all have our favourite demo moments-but which is the one you play the most to all your jealous mates?
the matrix lobby shootout?
truck chase in t2(dts)
one of my personal faves?the parting of the red sea in dts prince of egypt,what a whopper!
lets go to work!

RE: best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

cutz2000 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th June 2001, 20:10

How about this!

wait for it!

ARMAGEDDON opening credits.

the music is f**kin ace and the flyby of the moon and the asteroid smashing into the earth, plus the exploding ARMAGEDDON logo.
Especially the bottom of the G in armaGeddon as it spins offscreen last.

I only have a TOSHIBA Dolby Pro-logic TV (widescreen 32")
and it sounds absolutly great with the superwoofer on.

C`mon anyone else got a fav movie moment with ultra classy sound?

RE: best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

cheese_mcphee (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th June 2001, 20:40

I have a Toshiba widescreen tv with prologic sound as well (28" though), my fav. moment has to be gladiator opening and matrix lobby scene

RE: best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

samantha (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 6th June 2001, 21:18


The beach landing in Saving Private Ryan

Very realistic sounds like the bullets ricochet of the walls


RE: best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th June 2001, 00:18

If anyone comes round wanting to know what the fuss about DVD is all about I will sit them down in my `ass-grooved` seat (see my other thread `How do you prepare for watching a DVD?`) and play them the following two scenes :

Heat : the heist (Chs 30-32)

Ronin : the car chase through Paris (Ch 25)

I will also crank up the volume and watch their jaws drop.

After that, I will bombard them with SPR and Underworld`s `Everything Everything` set - that normally sways `em !

RE: best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th June 2001, 01:09

I usually show folk the bit AFTER the Matrix lobby scene, when Neo and Trinity are on the rooftop and Neo gets shot at by a raving loony agent dude. The way the bullets fling past you, using every channel in every direction just sounds totally amazing. It makes me smirk every time.

Oh and the T-Rex bits from Jurassic park are quite nifty too.


RE: best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th June 2001, 11:05

if i want to show off dvd i would show bits from the matrix, tarzan (the crisp animation), dinosaur (the trailer), cthd (the rooftop fight scene with cool the drum beat music) or T2 (ive seen jaws drop at the menus alone!!!)

RE: best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

Deucer (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 7th June 2001, 11:40

SPR beach landing is rather cheeky, but to be honest I can`t wait for when Return of the Jedi is released, the speeder bike scene on Endor will rock your world !!!

RE: best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

steve1604 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th June 2001, 12:47

opera scene from the fifth element gets my vote great action and music at the same time.

RE: best sound moment in a movie ever!your thoughts?!

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Thursday, 7th June 2001, 13:05

The opening heist of Heat is also excellent - at the end of the mayhem after the crash, you can here the bunting from the car lot just drifting to the ground. The gunshots throughout this film are amazing too.

I love The Abyss for the sound throughout, but especially when Ed Harris is approaching Michael Beihn in the sub bay - lots of dripping water and that chain clicking through the pulley - fantastic !


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