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X Factor, what a fiddle!!! Aaargh!!!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 01:22

Now I know it`s only a tv show, but tonights X Factor really wound me up. That Louis Walsh needs a good kicking!!! The decision to eliminate Maria instead of the Conways was nothing short of farcical!! His connections to them are even more apparent now and I just can`t be arsed with the show anymore....

"I`ve not seen someone taking a beating like that, since someone put a banana down my pants and set a monkey loose.."

RE: X Factor, what a fiddle!!! Aaargh!!!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 01:52

It was a fair point about Sharon keeping Chenai in because she`s female, but this was still insane - nobody with prior professional links to any of the judges should have been allowed to enter in the first place (goes for Chenai and 4-Tune too) but the Conway Sisters already have a record deal and that is *definitely* unfair.

I`ve always thought Maria to be bland but she was good. The Conways surprised me this week, they were the best I`ve seen them - I still hated them though.

I`ll still watch, but not *vote* (aha I`m no fool!). :D


RE: X Factor, what a fiddle!!! Aaargh!!!

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 02:11

The people with talent are not the artist but the song writers, all the one hit wonders over the years that had a great voice but never had another hit must run into thousands.
Them Irish girls are ok if you still think its 1970, there is very little talent on the show but the best female singer was kicked out tonight and considering s***co is still in it makes the programme a farce. :)

Just my opinion of course...... :)

Good TV though.

This item was edited on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 02:13

RE: X Factor, what a fiddle!!! Aaargh!!!

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 02:22

I must say xfilesgurly nailed it last week:Quote:
but it`ll probably be the bloody Nolans tribute act because it`s a *fix*!

The Conway Sisters are already famous in Ireland (who are allowed to vote in the competition), managed by one Louis f***ing Walsh, sang "You Raise Me Up" in their audition/at the early stage which was then used incessantly for music in the series so free publicity for them and Westlife also managed by Louis, and got a ridiculously OTT "wow factor" performance with glowsticks for crying out loud! Their voices are whiny and nasal and they are incredibly irritating to look at and listen to. But Simon and Louis both with a vested interest in the band means if they end up in the bottom 2 they aren`t going *anywhere*. true that turned out to be! :( I was soooo p o`d - Maria was in my top 3 to win the whole thing! The bias towards the extremely average Conways Sisters is just unbelievable - did you hear the crowd? They knew what was going on.... >:(

"...where I tread I leave nothing but dust and darkness. I find that good."

RE: X Factor, what a fiddle!!! Aaargh!!!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 03:21

I wonder how the audience will behave next week...?


RE: X Factor, what a fiddle!!! Aaargh!!!

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 05:35

It doesn`t matter who wins X Factor or any Cowell produced show, they are still losers, the only person who has had a successful career by making his OWN choice is Will Young, Girls Aloud have other people write their songs as well as do cover versions.

The rest of the so called "winners" from X Factor to Pop Idol/Band/whatever have all had a one hit wonder and then disappeared of the face of the earth.

The only winners here are Simon and Louis, and they are only interested in making money by regurgitating the old songs from their BMG catalogue just to make a quick buck, I mean how many times are they going to do cover versions Unchained Melody???

Simon doesn`t know what real talent is, his back history has been producing acts such as the tellytubbies, and a WWE (was WWF) song, even his new band Il Divo are doing cover version in itallian, the same goes for every band Louis Walsh produce all his bands Westlife, Boyzone, Girls Aloud they do a handful of cover versions and maybe one or two original songs.

I can bet you my next months wages that none of them have made a million. Also did you know that even the contestants who are in the final show have to sign a contract even if they are booted off that if they become a successful artist a slice of their money goes to Simon's company? The same goes for when the stars get dropped from their record label; there is a clause in their contract stating the same thing.

They might as well go on Big Brother at least they profit from their winnings.



RE: X Factor, what a fiddle!!! Aaargh!!!

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 05:43

Also did you know that even the contestants who are in the final show have to sign a contract even if they are booted off that if they become a successful artist a slice of their money goes to Simon's company?

Yep, I knew that. All auditionees are also forbidden from recording anything while the competition is running or something. A million pound contract goes *nowhere* as the artist themselves is required to spend that on publicity, recording studio time, publishing, wages, and so on.

Gareth Gates released several records after being runner-up, but at the end of his career he reportedly still owed 19 £100,000.


RE: X Factor, what a fiddle!!! Aaargh!!!

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 08:35

Gareth Gates released several records after being runner-up, but at the end of his career he reportedly still owed 19 £100,000

Oh is that what it was, a career!
Well whoda thunk it.


All skill is in vain when an angel p*sses in the flintlock of your musket.

RE: X Factor, what a fiddle!!! Aaargh!!!

/////AMG (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 08:55

I know he wouldn`t keep Maria in just because hes Irish, they`re Irish and all that crap.
Maria was better overall, actually she has been really good EVERY week, except for those damn Conways, they make me cringe!

PS. Maria was good to watch aswell!! :D

RE: X Factor, what a fiddle!!! Aaargh!!!

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th November 2005, 08:59

I can`t believe the gullible British public continue to spend their hard earned cash voting for this programme every year.

Do they not see the multi million pound villas each `judge` owns??? The cars they own etc etc....

And the endless fake bickering between them for the cameras..

Simon/Louis and Sharon are the only people that do well out of this programme - nice work if you can get it I guess.

why take life so seriously..its not like you are going to make it out alive


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