Page 1 of Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it. Updated again!

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Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it. Updated again!

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 07:35

Might sound silly, but I need all the positive thoughts I can get at the minute.

My darling wife Sadie was taken very ill early yesterday morning and is currently on life support systems and has had to undergo emergency dialysis treatment. I should know in the next few hours whether I`m going to lose her or not.

The thought of life without her is incomprehensible.

I`ll keep you posted on her progress when I get back on. I`m taking the kids to school and then going straight back to the hospital, so it might be a while.


This item was edited on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 23:34

RE: Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it.

JamesW (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 07:44

Of course, consider it done... all thoughts with you, couldn`t imagine losing my wife...

RE: Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it.

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 07:59

Bloody hell mate - huge prayers & thoughts here mate. Please keep us posted.

RE: Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it.

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 08:00

my prayers and thoughts are with you

Sue Davies

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RE: Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it.

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 08:09

Positive thoughts heading your way for both of you & the kids.

Keep hanging on in there & hope to see all of you again in Devon soon.

I consider myself an optimist, albeit an optimist with cynical tendencies and a dark side that Lucifer himself would find a little creepy. (Perhaps you've noticed.) You don't normally associate cynicism with an upbeat pov. But I have exactly that combination and will defend it.

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 09:10

RE: Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it.

Hallsey (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 08:12

My prayers and thoughts are with you.


RE: Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it.

WD423 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 08:34

You have every prayer that I can offer, and some extra ones for you and the family. Have positive thoughts my friend.


RE: Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it.

The Jackal (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 08:44

S*** mate, Our thoughts are with you and i hope she pulls through. I can not even imagine what you must be going through.

The Jackal

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"Man who go to bed with sex problem on mind,
Wake up with solution in hand"

RE: Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it.

gordyffc (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 08:45


my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


RE: Any chance of a prayer please? I could do with it.

slipperysam (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th June 2006, 08:48

Our thoughts and prayers are winging their way to be with you at this difficult time.



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