Page 1 of Can`t Be Arsed
General Forum
How many out there do what I`ve just done - started writing a long and involved answer to another poster on a forum, then about half-way through realised you`re only repeating what somebody else said and decided "Ah, sod it."?
If anybody replies to this thread I shall be very disappointed. But just think about it.
J Mark Oates
My suspicions were aroused when I saw he was wearing Battle of the Bulge ribbons.
There are no ribbons for the Battle of the Bulge!
Many, Many Times.
Todays The Day. Tomorrow can wait...
Even i started writing a long and involved answer to another poster on a forum, then about half-way through realised you`re only repeating what somebody else said................
Ah Sod It!!!!!!!!!! :p
Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you had enough oxygen at birth?
AHhh forget it.
I consider myself an optimist, albeit an optimist with cynical tendencies and a dark side that Lucifer himself would find a little creepy. (Perhaps you've noticed.) You don't normally associate cynicism with an upbeat pov. But I have exactly that combination and will defend it.
TBH I think it`s all been said frankly so haven`t got anything to add really....
Lots of times I catch myself thinking "This will just end up in a lot of hassle for me", usually trying to correct the misconceptions of the ill-advised.
i wasn`t even gonna bothr to add my 2cents worth but i thought, what the hay...
Myspace Funky Film Company
I find that, especially when some-one is talking about a dvd. I start to write my 2 cents worth, think, I`m suffereing from deja-vu, then realise what I`m writing is mroe or less what I said when i saw film at cinema!
ends up being less hassle thatn posting a link to the original thread about the film`s cinema release though ;)