Page 1 of Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

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Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th October 2000, 16:36

Hi, I`m looking to buy a Videologic system to compliment my Wharfedale 750s and Sony 32" WS TV. The Digitheatre looks favourite as the price is around the £200 mark. However is it really worth saving for the DTS version. Is there that much difference between the two. Bear in mind that I currently only have it running in stereo through my Marantz Hi-Fi so am not an audio expert etc.
Also I only have 2 discs that utilise DTS anyway (T2UE and American Beauty). Will newer discs feature DTS more and more in the future?

What do you all think?

RE: Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th October 2000, 16:46

I believe Chicken Run is the first R2 UK DTS diss, but next year the number of other DTS Discs will increase briskly, which may make you feel cheap and sworded about buying that 5.1 only system.

My God man Amps are starting to be released with DTS EX 6.1.

HITACHI 505 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

Shaun (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 25th October 2000, 16:53

Obviously the answer is yes if u can wait and pay the extra then go for the DTS, However i could`nt wait and got the 5.1 only amp and i`m glad i did.

I will upgrade just the amp sometime next year but until more titles come out with DTS as standard i`m not to worried because DD5.1 is not a sub standard audio fact i think it the nuts.

When i bought this amp it was like my whole DVD collection was refreshed and had to be watched over again because the difference between what you`ve got now and intend to get is AWEsome.

TOSH is da Bollox!!!
DD5.1 is da Bollox!!!


RE: Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

millec2000 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th October 2000, 22:10

The DTS is great but i do not think that it is worth the extra money. DTS is better but a lot of R1 disks have cut down DTS soundtracks in which there is little difference between DD and DTS anyway.

One other (Cheaper) alternative is the creative DTT2500. Only good for small rooms but good if on a budget.

RE: Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th October 2000, 22:54

Woz, for 200 nicker you could get a reasonable DD/DTS amp from Richer Sounds but you`d need to find yerself a centre speaker and some surrounds....try, particularly their home cinema section (the amp is a Sherwood RXV6095)

Dunno if that helps, mate

RE: Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th October 2000, 23:04

Cheers for the info chaps. I am thinking of going for the DD5.1 version mainly for the price. The idea of seperates is a good one, but then I`ve got to get all the speaker etc. and I have just about convinced the missus that the Videologic has itty bitty speakers that you won`t even notice in the corners of the room. : )

Thanks Again

RE: Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

jboraston (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th October 2000, 18:48


So ya know I shall be a proud owner of Videologic Digitheatre on Friday when it is delivered to my door by the good (and surprisingly efficient) people of :

who sell it for £214 + free delivery. Bargain

Retails at £052[at]syrruC/Comet.

If you can find it any cheaper - then I`ll hate you for getting a better bargain.

Ahh, I`m looking forward to 5.1 surround sound again... The Matrix... Omaha Beach from Saving Private Ryan...

Oh the joy...


Prologic and grundig tv

GaryThomas (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 31st October 2000, 00:09

I have a gRUNDIG 28 INCH PROLLOGIC TV WITH SURROUND SOUND. I know it is not 5.1 but will the dvds stating they are in 5.1 play in surround sound through my tv. I have a proline 1000. Some of my disks have 5.1 and surround sound on the specs but others juust have 5.1. For eg yesterday I was watching the world is not enough (which states its 5.1 only) the rear surrounds were working but only seemed to work with the music etc I did not get usual bombs and guns from behind like I expected. Am I expecting too much for my set up?. I also have Pink floyds the Wall. This dvd has a speaker set up section on the menu. On using this when the voice states rear sound I get the voice coming from my front speakers. I had an Aiwa prologic amp before but got rid of it cos my new telly is a prologic and my missus did not want another 5 speakers on the walls. The afformentioned title seemed to play ok in this set up so why does the sound seem different or is The world is not enough a poor choice to test surround sound prologic. Please help.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st November 2000, 22:14

RE: Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

dvd poo (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 16:06

Right then where do I begin?..
Chicken run is not the first DTS movie in the Uk Gladiator is. I just bought it and the dts option sounds loads better than the dd5.1 option. So as to all of you who say dd is better than dts you are all nuts ....
my setup is
philips 24 inch widescreen tv
toshiba sd2109 dvd player
sony strde445 dts av recicver
and 5 mission speakers
this setup is very good and it only cost me £400 for the amp and dvd player i have had the toshiba for 10 months and no probs as yet
thats it for now bye

RE: Prologic and grundig tv

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 19:50

Gary, ProLogic is the older version of Dolby 5.1, with only three seperate and individual channels (Left and right front, and a mono surround)

5.1 has 5 independant channels giving a seperate channel for centre, L&R front and seperate L&R rear surrounds.

This enhances the listening experience!
Your Grundig will work fine with ANY stereo DVD title with ProLogic as the prologic signal is embedded in the standard stereo track.
hope this helps! :o)

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!

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