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Page 1 of I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

General Forum

I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2017, 22:27

I live in a block of flats that has private underground parking.
For this we all have little squares of paper (with no way to stick to windscreen btw) to show we are allowed to park in our space.

A few weeks ago I came down to go to work and found that I had been given a parking ticket for parking in my own space. My square of paper had fallen down the inside of the window to the little side A-frame window and I hadn't noticed. 

I sent the appeal, as it's pretty clear, that although they couldn't see a permit on my car I sent them a picture of my license and car and space. Explaining it had slipped down the side, but I live here and have a permit.

Today, in the post I receive a letter from parking company. As you may guess they turned down my appeal on the grounds that there are clear signs in the car park that "permits must be displayed" 

I have the choice now, pay £60 within a month or appeal to an independent body. Lose and I have to pay £100. Fuming. 
What would you do?

I really want to appeal but if they sight the same rule as parking firm I really don't want to pay £100 around Christmas time.


I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which i`m dying are the best i`ve ever had.

RE: I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2017, 08:56

I would appeal.

Also I would talk to your landlord (if you rent) and/or the person responsible for liaising with the management company and ask them to intervene on your behalf.

The parking company are operating on someone elses behalf, so that body should be able to get it cancelled.


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RE: I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2017, 11:36

We have the same setup at our apartment and the concierge could have the tickets revoked but they started doing too many and in the end the parking ticket company stopped that route.

I had a similar ticket and just ignored it.  Sent a letter explaining the situation and that the bay the ticket was received in belonged to me.  Also said I wouldn't be paying the ticket or responding to any further correspondence.

It might be different for private car parks like this but I thought for car parks where you have to buy a ticket they could only claim lost earnings from you taking up a space (@ approx £1.20 an hour for average parking).  As you own this space I'm not sure how they can enforce it.

As Rob says; for them to operate on the building complex they must have been engaged by the property management company...  who you pay management fees to each year to maintain roads/car park/pathways etc... how can this parking company get away with giving a ticket to someone for a bay they pay for?!

RE: I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2017, 15:24

I would if future advise you putting your bit of paper (you flat parking permit) inside an old tax disk holder fitted to the windscreen.

i have the same problem with a London University parking lot, and all parking permits (bit of unsticky paper) must be displayed where I am working at the moment doing a building extension, hence brought out my old tax disk holder, Sorted!

You can still buy new ones.

RE: I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

Andy c (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2017, 17:41

If this company police the place on a regular basis then they must see your car in that spot on a regular basis. Seems like somebody is being a bit officious with the rules?

Music Obsessive, Sufferer of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) Motorsport Coach. Sarcasm Specialist.

RE: I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2017, 22:04

I remembered that I took pictures when I found it and you could clearly see the permit had slipped to the the side window.

I think I'm going to appeal, being that I actually "own" that land and on appeal to the company by showing the permit to them it should resolve it as a parking company are there to stop people parking there who don't live here.

And yes, I've lived here for 7 months now and they do the rounds at least three times a week. So should know the car by now.

Still annoyed!

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which i`m dying are the best i`ve ever had.

RE: I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2017, 22:42

If it makes you feel any better, when I moved to the Isle of Wight, 5 days after I went to get a parking permit for the local car park. £150 for the year, they gave me a temporary one, I put it on the dashboard.

A few days later my neighbour texted me, asking if I was ok, because there were parking tickets on my dashboard!

The council wardens had given me three over a few days, I still have the picture of I took of them clearly over the temporary permit which I thought maybe had slipped down out of site but hadn't (because well the last time I used the car was bringing my dog back from the vets after she was nearly killed by two vicious dogs, so I really wouldn't have noticed if it had).

The weak excuses the council gave, which I had to appeal to in writing (because well email is way too modern!) and did not include anything like an apology, was the number plate was a letter off (I didn't write the permit!) and the car park it specified was the name of the road next to the car park and not the car park itself.


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RE: I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2017, 23:19

Traffic Wardens are just little Hitlers.

My Brother-in-Laws father is disabled and has a badge and he displays it in his car when parked, yet his local town kept giving him parking tickets, and he has to go through the process of photocopying his disabled badge and number, so he can appeal.

The reason the wardens ere doing this, they say, is that there are so many fake disabled badges out there, and the way to prove which is real and which is fake, is to use this method of giving them all a parking ticket, which defeats the purpose of a disabled badge, and caused a lot of un-needed aggravation to dissabled drivers. 

This has since been highlighted to the local council, and they have stopped hounding dissabled badge drivers in the town, and using another method to weed out fake badges.

RE: I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2017, 23:23

Thought as it was not issued by the council or police it is in fact a parking invoice and not a parking fine?


RE: I know you all love a good parking ticket episode...

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st January 2018, 19:52

Just an update.
Common sense has prevailed and the ombudsman has upheld my appeal. Ticket cancelled.

Power to the people.

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which i`m dying are the best i`ve ever had.

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