Page 1 of Had To Return Goodmans DVDR301R DVD Recorder...

Hardware Forum

Had To Return Goodmans DVDR301R DVD Recorder...

davemuise (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2005, 12:48

I had to return this machine back to Argos, two weeks after i bought it.

It was VERY hot too touch and the clock was jumping ahead by two hours every day.

The vents werent blocked but i dont know how many times i had to reset the damn thing. almost off of dvd-recorders now..

RE: Had To Return Goodmans DVDR301R DVD Recorder...

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2005, 16:47

Quote: almost off of dvd-recorders now..

Buy a Pioneer, Sony, or Panasonic.....You will like em then. :)

RE: Had To Return Goodmans DVDR301R DVD Recorder...

bladewrecker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th July 2005, 12:26

mine often jumps forward by a bout 10 mins no matter how often i reset it, they do seems to run hot if u use cheap mirror dvd+r disks the "glue" on them starts to heat up and the edges of the disk become sticky and the disk wont finalise

RE: Had To Return Goodmans DVDR301R DVD Recorder...

bladewrecker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th July 2005, 12:47

i wonder if u have noticed

with mine for some reason theres a strange "running water" trickling sound in the background when i have recorded anything using the scart or video inputs ,and whatever kind of disks i use i get the sound, its not there when i record but it is on the disk when i have finished recording but it doe`s not happen if i record from the t.v / freeview...

RE: Had To Return Goodmans DVDR301R DVD Recorder...

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th July 2005, 16:13

"Spooky" :) :)

RE: Had To Return Goodmans DVDR301R DVD Recorder...

Chug a Bug (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 19:46

Heh, I remember I bought a Goodmans VCR many years ago now I`d only had a couple of days when after playing a vid for a couple of minutes the picture and sound completely died. It was under warranty and the store had an engineer come out and fix it and replaced a dud chip apparently.

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This item was edited on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 20:49

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