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DV Camcorder - any recommendations?

Dermot Ologist (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 20:25

Being a film fan as most people who visit here are I`ve decided it`s time to upgrade my camcorder. I`ve been looking at the Panasonic NV-DS38 which seems pretty good.

Any info would be much appreciated - I can probably spend up to £800

RE: DV Camcorder - any recommendations?

duder (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th February 2002, 00:59

I bought a JVC DVL357 for £500. (Usually about £700). If you know the make and model then check out

RE: DV Camcorder - any recommendations?

Dermot Ologist (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th February 2002, 19:20

Cheers duder - looks like I can save a bit if I go for the panasonic from empire direct.

RE: DV Camcorder - any recommendations?

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th February 2002, 20:00

Does that JVC one have a microphone socket?

If it doesn`t then you`re basically buggered as soon as you want to have decent sound on for voices and such like.

The Panasonic one is pretty good, nothing earth shattering but does the job well.

If you don`t want to use it as a digital camera, then consider the DS28 which doesn`t take the memory card. It`s £100 cheaper probably and still has DV in and out.

RE: DV Camcorder - any recommendations?

Dermot Ologist (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st February 2002, 19:22

bigfan - do you have any recommendations other than the Panasonic?

RE: DV Camcorder - any recommendations?

SFBANKS (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st February 2002, 22:54

Just a small piece of info for you, before you go buying!!

check out

this site eill tell you what dv cameras can have the dv-in facility turned on.
This will save you loads of cash, because the difference in price between a dv camera with only dv-out capability and one with both dv-in and out capability can be substantial.

e.g. I have a canon mv300 with only dv-out capability for about £400
bought a disk from lynxdv £35
now have same as canon mv300i with both dv-in and out costs about £650

just incase you are worrying, it does not invalidate your warranty, you can put it back via the disk if you have to return your camera for servicing etc.

hope this helps

P.S. the only reason it is disabled in the these cameras is for some stupid european import law or something.

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st February 2002, 22:55

RE: DV Camcorder - any recommendations?

peterj (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd February 2002, 12:03

I have to say I`ve tried many DV camcorders, and while you might get more features on other cameras, and cheaper prices, the clarity of ANY panasonic camcorder far outstrips the competition. They use far superior lenses


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