Page 1 of Does Argos`s 3 Way Scart Switch Support RGB Input & Output ?

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Does Argos`s 3 Way Scart Switch Support RGB Input & Output ?

Banksy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st March 2002, 22:17

Also what`s the quality / loss of signal quality like ? I`ll need a DVD and Sky Digibox sharing my TV`s 1 RGB Scart, Intend using 3 IXOS flat fully wired RGB cables
£9.75 sounds too good to be true, Are there any others available elsewhere ?

RE: Does Argos`s 3 Way Scart Switch Support RGB Input & Output ?

Tim Williams (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st March 2002, 22:47

Get yourself a CPC catalouge , check
(part of the Farnell group)

They have more scart stuff than you can shake a stick at, and at very reasonable prices too. They are expensive for computer gear, however.


RE: Does Argos`s 3 Way Scart Switch Support RGB Input & Output ?

harry66 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd March 2002, 08:55

Wouldnt recommend the Index one
I bought the 3 way switch (£9.75) from Index and took it back a few days later.
1. The cable is unbelievably short at around 15cm - I had to leave it dangling from the back of the telly putting stress on the Scart socket.
2. I could still see some minor ghosting!

I cant imagine the Argos one being much better and I am looking for something a bit more expensive and hopefully better quality.

RE: Does Argos`s 3 Way Scart Switch Support RGB Input & Output ?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd March 2002, 09:38

I believe that there are two Agros ones - one does widescreen switching, the other doesn`t. However (understandably at the price) they are both manual switches. Quality (from what postings I`ve seen) is meant to be OK.
See this thread for a short discussion

This item was edited on Friday, 22nd March 2002, 09:40

RE: Does Argos`s 3 Way Scart Switch Support RGB Input & Output ?

harry66 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd March 2002, 12:44

The Index one I had looks similar to the Argos 535/1321 one.

I guess the 534/0370 is worth a try - Argos are quite cool about returns. I took back a faulty 15 month old shaver (2 year grntee) the other day. They had none in stock so they gave me a refund without any hassle!!

This item was edited on Friday, 22nd March 2002, 12:45

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