Page 1 of Sony DAVS300 Multi-Region (Dolby Digital DVD speaker Package) Any good?

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Sony DAVS300 Multi-Region (Dolby Digital DVD speaker Package) Any good?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd March 2002, 02:29

Considering buying this. Anyone have any comments?

£349.95 from Richer Sounds.

I know it`s Multi -Region but does it handle RCE?

What`s the sound like? I only have a small room, about 10 feet x 16 feet.

Already have a Wharfedale750, so would you recomend just buying a seperate amp and speakers?

Only have £350 to spend, and as mentioned a small room to put it in. Thought it might be worth while buying this in order to get a new player with the added bonus of a surround sound system. Does anyone own one who could comment?


Jon E

RE: Sony DAVS300 Multi-Region (Dolby Digital DVD speaker Package) Any good?

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd March 2002, 11:23

I would go for a seperate amp and speakers! I don`t own this system but I have had a demo and it sounded tinny and small.
If you have 350.00 to spend you can get a cheap receiver from techtronics or pioneer vsx c-300 about 160.00, plus a yamaha ns220 speaker package from qed-uk for 135.00.
That should sound far better!

RE: Sony DAVS300 Multi-Region (Dolby Digital DVD speaker Package) Any good?

Slartibartfast II (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th March 2002, 09:03


I have a davs300 and the sound is incredible, in a room the size you mention I can assure you that it is perfect. Yes it does handle RCE, and I am more than pleased with it`s performance. I read alot of comments from people before I bought it, and alot were saying how they thought the sound was too quiet, but in my opinion they must have either been deaf gits or lived in an aircraft hanger. The only downside for some might be that you can`t play CDR`s on it (though some people on this list claim that certain brands do) but that`s no problem for me. Buy and enjoy - I certainly have.

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