Info and forum posts by 'Toby Tyke'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 10th June 2002, 16:18, Last used: Tuesday, 4th April 2006, 15:25

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 45 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Welkin T516 at Woolies

Thanks for that, I bought the Venturer 6.2" from Argos in the end and used the Venturer 100 hack from on here without any problems.

Multi Region Portable/In car DVD recommendation?

Can anyone recommend a multi regiod portable DVD player, with car kit for around the £100 mark? Its a minefield out there!


Welkin T516 at Woolies

Hi folks

Does anyone know if the above is multi-region out of the box or hackable?


RE: where should i live in leeds?

A basic rule of thumb would be to go for the city centre if you can afford it, otherwise go for somewhere OUTSIDE and to the North of the ring road. Anywhere inside or south would be a no-go area.

RE: SNOW WATCH 2004 - the official `it ain`t here yet` thread

Location: Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Time: 14:59
Date: Tuesday 27th January
Conditions: Bright and sunny, bloody cold.

RE: Recording from iDTV

Surely this works only if the TV is switched on though ?

RE: Mein Ebay

Looks like an ebay problem, I keep alternating between German and Belgian/French before getting the UK version.

RE: broom, broom Cars. what people own?

Good thread this, I`m on 16 years of driving:-

Started off at 18 with my mums L reg Mini Clubman (which I passed my test in) followed by VW Polo Fox
Then my first car, Ford Escort 1.1L
Vauxhall Belmont 1.3 Club
Vauxhall Nova 1.4SR
Vauxhall Astra 1.6i Cesaro
Peugeot 306 LXDT (Company)
Ford Mondeo 2.0 GLX (company)
Ford Escort 1.6LX (company)
Ford Mondeo 1.8LX Estate (company)
Vauxhall Vectra 1.8LS (company)
and currently Nissan Primera Sport+ 2.0 which is mine

RE: Viking direct - freeview + free phone

There aren`t any pay channels available to Freeview.

RE: Horsey Films

Thanks people.

Horsey Films

Hello chaps

Can anyone recommend any good horse based DVD films (other than Black Beauty and National Velvet), suitable for an 11 year old girl ?


RE: Where is Kate Lawler?

She`s back on this morning.

RE: Watch the Birdie... on Soccer AM

Helen muttered something along the lines of "Blimey, she`s got long legs".

Watch the Birdie... on Soccer AM

Apologies if its already been posted up.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd September 2003, 10:32

RE: Amerada Buyout


Scottish Power worked out cheapest for me.

RE: Singlepoint

Thanks very much.


Anybody know the phone number for their customer services, seeing as their website seems to be down ?

RE: Is the Tour De France on tv this year?

Its on ITV2 7pm to 8pm every night. Its also on live on ITV1 on Sunday afternoons.


The phone line has to be connected as the digibox dials sky on average once a month to download any PPV info you have watched so they can bill you. From what I can gather Sky will let go 3 none-dialins and will then contact you regarding breach of contract (ie. you are supposed to have the line plugged in all the time). Not that I know anyone who has been called though.

RE: School nick names

One of the teachers at our school played a lot of Rugby until one day he sustained a head injury which meant that he couldn`t walked properly and one of his legs dragged along.

From then on he was "Scrapin` Stevens"

RE: £3.00 off voucher Cdwow/First Direct

Bugger, you beat me to it !

Go to the CONSOLES Forum and...

do a search for "Black and White" - the answer will come up for you.

RE: What are pricestorm like??????

Region 2 and no I haven`t tried `em.

RE: I`m bored.

Go to and have a go at his free kick game.

Highly addictive when you`re bored !

RE: FREE Product Giveaway 1000 available

Thanks for that, passed the details on to my "mutt" owning colleagues.