Info and forum posts by 'The Equaliser'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 14th September 2000, 18:54, Last used: Thursday, 14th September 2000, 18:54

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 26 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Wharfedale M8 TV - Info needed please!

Does anyone know if this TV has the same specs as the 890 model? It looks identical except that the case is silver.

Any information anybody knows about this TV would be greatly appreciated.

Wharfedale M8 widescreen TV

Does anyone know if this TV has the same specs as the 890 model? It looks identical except that the case is silver.

Any informatio anybody knows about this TV would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Bush 28

Thanks for the info Jaxon, one of my mate bought one taday so i`m off to have a good look at his. Only having 4:3 and 16:9 is perhaps not so good, 4:3 pictures and non -anamorphic DVD`s will look a bit wierd if you watch them in 16:9.

RE: Bush 28

Do you know if the scarts are RGB or S-VHS compatible, and what are the picture modes like? Any info would be greatly appreciated as from your comments I am quite tempted to buy one!

RE: Bush 28

Jaxon, can you tell me what picture modes the Bush TV has, and do you know if the scarts are RGB compatible?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 3rd January 2001, 23:31

RE: Bush Widescreen TV for £229 in Aldi

Just realised that this thread should probably be in the general forum, so i`ve posted it there instead.

Bush 28" Widescreen for £229 in Aldi

Aldi are advertising a 28" Bush widescreen TV on thier website, it say the offer starts 4th Jan.

If anybody has a look at this could they shed some light on which model it is - i`ve had a look round and can find 2 models af the Bush 28" widescreen, the WS 6667 (£269 in Argos), or the WS 6671 (£299 in Comet), but the one on the Aldi website looks different to both of these.

You can`t really expect too much for £229, but if it is halfway decent then it might be a bit of a steal.

Bush Widescreen TV for £229 in Aldi

Aldi are advertising a 28" Bush widescreen TV on thier website, it say the offer starts 4th Jan.

If anybody has a look at this could they shed some light on which model it is - i`ve had a look round and can find 2 models af the Bush 28" widescreen, the WS 6667 (£269 in Argos), or the WS 6671 (£299 in Comet), but the one on the Aldi website looks different to both of these.

You can`t really expect too much for £229, but if it is halfway decent then it might be a bit of a steal.


Will the Aiwa resume play if you dont eject a disc but just put it on standby? This is something my soon to be replaced Daewoo does and it`s a very useful feature. (About the only thing the Daewoo does well)

RE: Aiwa 370 vs Encore

You mention that the Aiwa does not have the 15 disc resume feature, but does it have an ordinary resume function (ie turn the player off and it picks up at the same point in the disc when you turn it on).

RE: Pioneer DV535

Cheers for the info - I might just be ordering a 530 very soon.

RE: Pioneer DV535

Bigfan, i`m thinking of buying a Pioner 530 from Techtronics, can you tell me how long the delivery time was, and how you found the overall service.

Pioneer 530

I am considering buying a mutiregion version of the Pioneer 530 (silver version of the 535) from Techtronics, does anybody have any experience of this player and / or Techtronics?

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

RE: Nelly, can you help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nelly, any ideas when the upgrades to the Scan SC2000 will filter through to the Daewoo players?

RE: Nelly - Any new on the new SC2000 batch?

The thread should of course been called "Any NEWS on the new SC2000 batch"!!!

Nelly - Any new on the new SC2000 batch?

Just wondering if you have tested the new batch of players you were expecting on the 26th, if you have could you please let us all know how they perform.

RE: Wharfdale or Scan SC2000?

Is the region selector still available?

Question for Nelley

Can you confirm if the new batch of Scan players that have the new MPEG card are problem free? (No artefacts, RGB, subtitle problems etc.) I hope i`m not asking too much, but will the menu to change regions still be accessible as well?

Also, will these improvments be made to the Daewoo models as well? I currently have the Daewoo, but the artefact problem is driving me mad, so I am considering changing it for either a problem free Scan or Daewoo, just depends on which is available sooner.

RE: impressed thatll be the daewoo

Just out of interest, what do you think of the picture quality? I have my Daewoo connected to my TV using RGB, and on some discs such as T2 ultimate edition the picture looks superb, however on other such as The Green Mile there is lots of pixellation on dark scenes. Is this just me expecting too much from a cheap player, or do you have the same problems?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

T2 Ultimate Edition - Special Extended Version?

I have just got hold of T2 Ultimate edition and have heard that there is an extended version of the special edition. I was told to select the special edition, then press 82997, but this does not work. My player is a Daewoo DHC 2200K, before you ask all the other special features work OK!

DVD`s from - VAT or not?

I have just ordered a couple of DVD`s from play, I know thier shipping charges are inclusive but does anyone know if VAT is payable on titles shipped to the UK?

RE: Confusion about Daewoo DHC 2200K

Cheers for the info Nilesh, sound like it`s worth having a go even if it doesn`t sort out all the problems.


Will the firmware upgrade for your player also work for the Daewoo? I have the scart RGB and pixellation problems, but the subtitles do not default to on.

RE: Confusion about Daewoo DHC 2200K

Forgot to say that the player does not default to subtitles on, and that the region code and Macrovision can still be disabled.

Confusion about Daewoo DHC 2200K

I hope that somebody can help clear up some confusion about this player.

I bought one nearly a month ago to try it out, but had problems including interference on the picture with the digital outputs turned on, and refusal to play some discs.

The player was exchanged and works perfectly except that it will not switch my TV into RGB mode (I cannot manually select RGB on my TV, it needs the blanking signal) and pixellation on dark images.

My confusion arises beacuse the Scan player also had these problems and others, which have now allegedly been ironed out, so am I right in thinking that the Daewoo player is the same as the Scan with all the problems fixed, or would the Scan firmware upgrade sort out the RGB and pixellation?

I`m not too bothered about the RGB but the pixellation is annoying. If it is just that it is a cheap player then OK, but if it can be sorted I would like to know how to go about it.

Yours confused.