Info and forum posts by 'geoff1'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.


Joined on: Monday, 28th July 2003, 20:38, Last used: Monday, 28th July 2003, 20:38

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 60 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Caron Keating has died...

None of you mentioned her here while she was alive, so why don`t you go easy on the crocodile tears and fake sympathy now that she`s dead?

RE: Best ways to advertise my premium rate number?

No, entirely seperate venture i`m afraid.
I`ll give you all an update when it`s due for release (pardon the pun)

RE: Best ways to advertise my premium rate number?

This threads back from the dead!
Unfortunately not, i`m still in ongoing negotiations with Rosie to star in a porn film though :o

RE: Best ways to advertise my premium rate number?

Thanks for the tip neal 73, see that`s the sort of thing i never would have heard about if it wasn`t for dvd reviewer.Keep up the good work!
PS. Is that 0800 reverse charges thing for real?

RE: Best ways to advertise my premium rate number?

It`s not depraved, i`d never be involved in anything hardcore, it`s a live121 line, so you can talk to the girl about anything that`s within legal boundary`s.(no kids, no animals, etc)

feel free to blank out the number by the way

This item was edited on Monday, 5th April 2004, 20:21

RE: Best ways to advertise my premium rate number?

Sorry to disappoint you, but i`m one of the mugs who`s taking all the risk, so i`m looking to find unique ways to advertise, Whaddya think?......

CALL....number removed by moderator - advertising is not permitted

This item was edited on Monday, 5th April 2004, 23:38

RE: Best ways to advertise my premium rate number?

In reply to the person who said i should of thought of this before hand, it only costs £100 to set up a service so it`s not as if i`ve jumped in at the financial deep end.
Also i`m only in charge of advertising, the girls are hired in by someone else.
So has anyone got any sensible suggestions?

Best ways to advertise my premium rate number?

I`ve just set up a premium rate sex line for the first time and i`m now looking to advertise it. I`m completely new to this business so has anyone got any knowledge of this field.
Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated.

RE: where can i buy a phone headset?

Thanks for the link, it looks as though there`s more options and more confusion than i thought though.
All I want is one that`s wireless and as cheap as possible.
I don`t know what all the different terms mean, eg. what does the amplifier do?
Anyone actually have any practical experience working with these things? What features should i look out for?

where can i buy a phone headset?

You know, like those one`s they use in call centres, i had a look on staples website and couldn`t find anything, so anyone know a good place to buy from?
Another question, is the headset the actual phone, or does it plug into an existing phone?
thanks in advance.

RE: can i get this channel on sky?

Thanks for that emilyhoward, it just so happens that i have got the old analogue dish. So do i just have to plug the box back in and i`ll have Raisat 3, or do i have to also tune it in?

RE: Razor burn

I wouldn`t shave against the grain on the neck if i were you, that`s exactly the sort of thing that causes skin irritation.
I know it`s been mentioned already, but nothings more effective than shaving in the shower, not exactly sure why but i think it opens all the pores.

can i get this channel on sky?

It`s called Raisat 3, it`s an Italian channel and there`s a programe i particularly want to watch on it. Is it possible to add it to the `other channels` on sky like it is with the itv regions?
Thanks for your help.

mac and me dvd?

Seeing that big foot and the henderson`s thread made me think of this film for some reason, it`s a blatant rip off of ET but far superior in my opinion, do you reckon it ever has a chance of being released on dvd, or even shown again on tv, or should i just pick up a second hand vhs of it?

RE: Re-release of "The Shining"

Can you post a link? I can`t seem to find it.

RE: Where do you go to pitch a TV programe idea?

Thanks for all the tips, unfortunately that BBC talent thing isn`t really suitable, it`s mainly looking for performers and writers of drama.
I also had a look at the BBC advice section for pitching ideas, some useful info, but they`re no longer taking pitches for factual programing from members of the public, so it looks like i`m gonna have to pitch my idea to an independent production company after all.
A long shot, but anyone know a good one to do business with?

RE: Where do you go to pitch a TV programe idea?

Thanks for all the tips, unfortunately that BBC talent thing isn`t really suitable, it`s mainly looking for performers and writers of drama.
I also had a look at the BBC advice section for pitching ideas, some useful info, but they`re no longer taking pitches for factual programing from members of the public, so it looks like i`m gonna have to pitch my idea to an independent production company after all.
A long shot, but anyone know a good one to do business with?

best and worst dvd audio commentry?

I can`t say i`ve heard that many interesting ones, Ridley Scott deserves special mention for his sleep inducing style, as do most young American directors, i think the key to a good audio commentry is to be naturally funny, that`s why i`d say the have i got news for you commentry by Paul Merton and Ian Hislop is my favourite so far.

Where do you go to pitch a TV programe idea?

I`ve got loads of good ideas in this area, but no actual experience. Do you think it`s best to approach independent production companies or are there dedicated people you can talk to at all the main channels? Also what`s to stop them nicking your idea, without giving you any credit?
I appreciate any helpful ideas.

RE: how do you get the different ITV regions on SKY?

Thanks for the link. it was remarkably simple really, i wish i`d done it ages ago now.

how do you get the different ITV regions on SKY?

I remember hearing it is possible to have all the ITV regions, i`m in the kent region, so while there`s some good programe about dvd`s on London, on meridian they`ll show some rubbish about the countryside.
Anyone know a simple, non techy way of doing it?

how good is the 3D in spy kids 3D?

I`m a bit confused about this film, i know on the dvd one disc is a 3D version of the film the other disc 2D, but in cinema`s was it exclusively shown in 2D? Has anyone seen the 3D version, where you have to wear the silly glasses? How immersive would you say it was, does it really look as if images are coming out of the screen?

when`s goodfella`s SE out?

It seems like ages since people said this was gonna come out, anyone know the scheduled release date, and just how likely it is to make this date ?

RE: How do you contact people you see on the tv?

Ok thanks i`ve done that. It had his address but not his phone number.Is there anyway i can find this out, if i looked through or the phone directorys?

RE: How do you contact people you see on the tv?

I tried looking at but you`ve got to pay for it, or get sponsered, has anyone already got an account and could look it up for me?
If anyone knows his contact details or knows how to get them, but you don`t want to post them on a public forum, feel free to email or PM me.

RE: How do you contact people you see on the tv?

Unfortunately, i don`t know the name of his companies, is there anyway you can search by company director and not company name?

RE: How do you contact people you see on the tv?

Yeah, thanks for that, that was really useful, anybody have any serious suggestions?

How do you contact people you see on the tv?

I mean `ordinary` people not celebrities that have agents. the particular person i`m trying to contact is called Nick Cracknell, he run`s phone sex lines, and was recently the star of a programe called `Notorious` broadcast on BBC2, made by `Blast! Films` for BBC Wales. I`ve tried contacting Blast! Films, but they haven`t replied to my emails, and looking for a suitable person to email on the BBC site is a nightmare.
So what would people say was the best way to find out info like this?

Where`s My Thread Gone?

I posted a thread on here earlier today about making free calls on mobile phones and now it`s mysteriously disappeared, has it been taken down for some reason?