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Fatties should pay more for clothes!

Issac Hunt (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 17:15

I was just in Next looking at long sleeved T-shirts for my Little Smasher. 12 to 18 months are £6.99 (for 3), yet 1 1/2 to 2 years (don`t ask me why they change from months to years) are £8.99. £2 extra and they`re virtually the same size.
Which made me wonder why I (an athletic(!) 38 chest/30 waist. OK, 32 sometimes) am charged the same for my clothes as some bloater who`s x sizes bigger than me. What about all that extra fabric they`re getting for `free`?!
And then they have the cheek to complain when certain manufacturers don`t make clothes for the larger boned person. Why should they? They`re a business not a public service.

Nearly offence to any cake guzzling lard arses out there :)

RE: Fatties should pay more for clothes!

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 17:20

Ignorant git.

*Whuupishhh* Get moving, grunt!

RE: Fatties should pay more for clothes!

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 17:24

Dude, that could be considered a really insulting comment to make, you might want to drop it.

I`m a bloater and can take a joke about it, but that could be really hurtful to some people.

Just something for you to think about...

Don`t think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey!

RE: Fatties should pay more for clothes!

Navs (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 17:25

You do realise that if you were to say this in public, you would get arrested for S4a Public Order Act because what you say can be perceived to be harrasing, alarming or distressing to someone you may offend...

Mods please deal with this thread accordingly.

RE: Fatties should pay more for clothes!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 17:27

he is a bit of a d1ck isn`t he :/

general nobody @ and now for all things X-BOX

RE: Fatties should pay more for clothes!

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 17:28

As a fully paid-up cake guzzling lard arse, I`d noticed that most clothes are actually designed and tailored for pencil-necked stringbeans. Certainly at least 70% of the clothes on the racks are in the stick-insect sizes and the larger sizes usually carry a size premium that can double the price of the garment. The government is currently on a crusade about the apparent increase in the average size of Britons, inclining me to think that maybe larger-sized people are more common than our spindly brethren. If that`s the case then why do clothes manufacturers insist on catering for the emaciated when most of their customers are in fact well-padded?

No offense to any pencil-necked stringbeans out there ;)

J Mark Oates

I do believe in spooks I do believe in spooks
I do I do I do I do
I do believe in spooks I do believe in spooks.

RE: Fatties should pay more for clothes!

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 17:29

No offense to any pencil-necked stringbeans out there


RE: Fatties should pay more for clothes!

Issac Hunt (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 17:39

OK, ignoring all the fattist comments, my basic point was should two things which are so dissproportionate in size (but which are otherwise exactly the same) cost the same? Children`s clothes don`t.

This item was edited on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 18:44

RE: Fatties should pay more for clothes!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 17:40

so a size 8 trainer should cost LESS than a size 10 ?

general nobody @ and now for all things X-BOX

RE: Fatties should pay more for clothes!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 17:45

No offense to any pencil-necked stringbeans out there

None taken.

Note to self remember to loose the excess 1 - 2 Stone

If Mac users are "more intelligent than the average computer user," why do they need an operating system designed for complete idiots?


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