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Has anyone worked on a movie or been an extra?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 02:56

I`m fortunate enough to live in North Wales where loads of films are made so I`ve worked on a few.

Boat Crew - "First Knight"
"The Last Train" TV Series
"Merlin" TV Series

Extra/Stand In
"First Knight"
"Mortal Kombat" TV Series

It would be cool to find out what everyone else has been a part of, so leave your CV here!

RE: Has anyone worked on a movie or been an extra?

Slartibartfast II (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 08:53

While I was at school my class was asked to be extras for a parents evening scene being filmed at my school. For a grand fee of £5 i was presented to my surrogate mother with whom I sat down and chatted to while a short scene was filmed. The film - The Omen. Needless to say at the age of 12 I couldn`t go and see it at the time, which was just as well because the scene was cut. Hmmmmmmmm now with DVD extras maybe there is a chance of seeing my first acting (!!?) debut one day.

RE: Has anyone worked on a movie or been an extra?

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 17:19

Well, me and some buddies make our own Star Wars movies.
Is that allowed?
yes, we have lives, but its a bloody good crack. Running amok all over the west country whilst are wives shop for England is top !!!

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RE: Has anyone worked on a movie or been an extra?

Mintguy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 17:27


Have you seen Troops?

RE: Has anyone worked on a movie or been an extra?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 21:21

I regularly body double for many of the leading Hollywood hunks! ; )

RE: Has anyone worked on a movie or been an extra?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 21:47

My sister was in a whole TV series.........of Play Chess on BBC1 in the school holidays many years ago

RE: Has anyone worked on a movie or been an extra?

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd February 2002, 02:24

I was employed as a production runner on a film straight out of photography college some years back. I also found myself as an extra and stand-in for a few scenes (blink and you`ll miss it stuff). But my biggest claim to fame was that I did some of the stills photography and one of my pics ended up on the cover of the `book of the film`.

I`m not gonna say what the film is cos it was dire and it sank without trace - filled as it was with B list celebs.

The real bitch is that it was a deferred payment film - you only got paid if the film made money, which it didn`t. Ten years down the line I`m still owed 2 1/2 grand!

Amusingly, my name can now be found on the IMDB database!

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