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Page 1 of Make a donation to Holly and Jessica

General Forum

Make a donation to Holly and Jessica

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 18:46

Nochex have set up a section on their site for donations to Holly and Jessica`s family. If you want to make a donation, and also leave a message you can through this link:-

RE: Make a donation to Holly and Jessica

top_cat_38 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 19:06


Please don`t get me wrong, it is very sad what happended to those children, but more kids die on the roads than are murdered each year.

No one organises donations for them. Their families suffer just as much.

People should get things into perspective.

RE: Make a donation to Holly and Jessica

Westy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 19:10

Totally agree,

I`m no heartless guy, i worry myself sick every time my 8 year old brother goes out to play, but as devastating and as sad as the last 3 weeks events have been, it isn`t befitting that a small and not exactly well known,(to the general public at least), money transfer site be offering donation facilities.

If it were the BBC doing a national fund to help stop peadophiles i`m sure it would be a lot better for everyone.

Believe me, the last thing those parents want is money....


RE: Make a donation to Holly and Jessica

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 19:17

Contraversially, I`m inclined to agree with TC.

Yes, their deaths were highly tragic and very, very upsetting, and left a real impression on the country that we live in a screwed up world.

But no amount of money will replace Holly or Jessica, I`m afraid, and if anyone believes that a huge swag bag will ease the parents` suffering they are living in a fluffy-walled bubble.

What would the money be used for ? It certainly can`t be for a trust fund or charity to stop it happening again. A victim support charity for other parents suffering when their child goes missing - maybe. If anyone can tell me honestly that the bloke or woman they sat next to on the train or bus this morning isn`t a psychopath (which clearly Huntley is), then you`re a better person than most mental health professionals.

Organising collections of these nature harks back to what Robert John was saying the other day : it`s a reaction to something that threatens our own precious security - in some way donating money makes it all go away. If only life were that simple.

TC`s point about any child dying (not just road accidents, but cot deaths, accidents in the home, tragic accidents on holiday) not resulting in an instant donation frenzy is a very valid one.

RE: Make a donation to Holly and Jessica

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 20:19

Wish I hadn`t said anything now. Christ.

Only put it up for people to donate if they want to, just so they`re aware of it. Its touched a lot of people, perhaps they want to give something back. Didn`t want a debate on the whole thing.

This item was edited on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 20:20


Kayenta (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 21:10

Whilst i agree with comments made regarding the uselessness of money in this tragedy. I would like to make a strong point regarding the comparison of other forms of bereavement such as road accidents etc.

I mean, GET REAL. To lose your children under these circumstances could NOT be any worse. Both physically and mentally, this IS the ultimate suffering.

No, money is not applicable, God wont help and nothing will improve until this country/the world gets a SPINE and declares..................................
"From this day, anyone conclusively found guilty of sex offences will be
put to death." Then we all have a choice.



flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 21:32

I`m not getting into the debate but I`d like to thank Benji for caring enough to make an effort.



Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 22:34

Thanks buddy. I know the whole thing of donating money is probably pointless, as no cash amount can even begin to help with the families suffering, but I didn`t state that anyone had to do it.

I mean I haven`t even donated anything myself, but I thought some may want to. The whole country has grieved for these children, and if they don`t want to make a donation then they can go on to Cambridge Police website and write in the condolence book.

RE: Thanks

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd August 2002, 22:48

Ill second that aswell. Credit when credits due, He shouldnt be slated for a kind thought!

RE: Thanks

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd August 2002, 00:19

It`s a thoughful post Benji, I don`t think you are getting slated for it.

Although I agree that road accidents kill over 3000 a year in the UK, this is where money could be better spent, but that`s basically just an opinion.

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