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Is anyone suffering from the long term effects of a mispent youth?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th May 2003, 19:10

My short term memory is destroyed.. i have a terrible time controlling my temper.. i panic in crowds.. and i still suffer from the occasional bloody night terror.. all because of MDMA!!!... (and other such substances)

damn you summer of love 1988!!!!!

am i alone or is there any other tormented old age clubbers out there? and does anyone know where my car keys are?

RE: Is anyone suffering from the long term effects of a mispent youth?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th May 2003, 19:26

Well I never... say what?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Is anyone suffering from the long term effects of a mispent youth?

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th May 2003, 19:26

I`m not old but I`d say some of my group of mates are already suffering some ill effects from our last 2-3 years or so hard hitting ravery and.....ahem chemical recreation :-/

Probably said too much there...........


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This item was edited on Thursday, 29th May 2003, 20:30

RE: Is anyone suffering from the long term effects of a mispent youth?

Occean (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 29th May 2003, 19:39

I certainly know too many people who are suffering.

I am not and feel lucky for it.

RE: Is anyone suffering from the long term effects of a mispent youth?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 29th May 2003, 20:46

Damn! There was me thinking this might be a thread about not being able to get into the spare room for the piles of old Beanos...

I definitely come from a more innocent era.

J Mark Oates

Reviewer, Columnist and All Round Good Egg

RE: Is anyone suffering from the long term effects of a mispent youth?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th May 2003, 21:40

I am living a mispent youth as we speak...GCSEs are on their way and I really can`t be arsed anymore (a year ago I was keen to do well - now I am plagued by thoughts on the meaning of life + the destructive nature of the human condition, so my focus on menial tasks such as exams (menial in the fact that the only outcome of life is death, where exams have no bearing) has waned).

After them I have AS *and* A2 levels! Lucky me!

(Yes, I know I am living a comfortable life of no taxes or bills at present, but c`mon, us teenagers have it worse overall... ;) )

Rik Booth
DVD Profiler -
YMDb -

RE: Is anyone suffering from the long term effects of a mispent youth?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 30th May 2003, 00:21

GCSE`s? mean O Levels of course :-) (ex teacher speaking)...anyway, some git taught me how to play the violin and that was it...great music, and many nights in the pub afterwards....the life of a pro musician is hard and painful at times...

BUT..if anyone wants to help, they can always buy `The Two Towers` 4 disk edition later on in the all helps!!! <hic>

RE: Is anyone suffering from the long term effects of a mispent youth?

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th May 2003, 00:26

I thought you were 14 Rik? How can you be doign GCSEs at 14?

This item was edited on Friday, 30th May 2003, 01:33

RE: Is anyone suffering from the long term effects of a mispent youth?

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th May 2003, 08:25

Bill Bryson said it all for me in one of his books where he states that; every time he opens a cupboard or enters a room and forgets why he makes a mental note to take a better class of drugs in his next incarnation. I have a memory like a sieve.

Excessive consumption of snakebites at an early age started the damage; LSD, blow and speed sealed the fate of a multitude of braincells.

We used to watch all nighters at the Scala, an old fleapit in Kings Cross, on a cocktail of acid, blow and beer. First time I saw Nightmare on Elm Street I nearly ran out of the place screaming, especially when my mate started turning into a rat (this was not related to the film).

I think the Scala`s a club now.

Happy days.....

RE: Is anyone suffering from the long term effects of a mispent youth?

samson123 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 1st June 2003, 17:16

I read where you said a Musician life is hard a painful at times,I ask you why painful? My brother is very happy being a musician, he plays the piano.

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