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Girls Aloud on "only" £80 a day

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 31st July 2003, 22:54

Well boo-f*cking-hoo. That`s more than I`m on a week as a 24hr carer.

J Mark Oates

Reviewer, Columnist and All Round Good Egg

RE: Girls Aloud on "only" £80 a day

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st August 2003, 06:34

They`re still vastly over-paid, if you ask me!

RE: Girls Aloud on "only" £80 a day

BallisticJack (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st August 2003, 07:39

Assuming that`s before tax it equates to about £30k a year. They must have to work there @rse off pretty much 7 days a week, so I don`t think they are overpaid.

I know there are plenty of people out there who work just as hard (if not harder than they do) and get paid far less....but the flip side is that there are also a lot of people out there who get paid far more a year and probably pull a 35 hour working week.

RE: Girls Aloud on "only" £80 a day

mortal (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st August 2003, 09:10

thats about £75 a day more than they are worth :)

RE: Girls Aloud on "only" £80 a day

spartacus (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st August 2003, 09:39

Worth every penny - just to keep them off the street and out of harms way - would cost hundreds to lock them up.


RE: Girls Aloud on "only" £80 a day

Wad (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st August 2003, 10:34

Wont they get extra dosh for sponsorship and so on ?

RE: Girls Aloud on "only" £80 a day

Soprano (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st August 2003, 10:55

Maybe you should get another job, Mark

RE: Girls Aloud on "only" £80 a day

Phil R (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st August 2003, 12:04

Surely the pint isn`t how much they`re "worth" but how much money their records are making - presumably for someone else.

RE: Girls Aloud on

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st August 2003, 17:37

Bear in mind that they should consider themselves extremely lucky if their careers last any longer than a couple of years. If they don`t want to end up back at the checkout, the girls will really need to save and invest as much of their income as possible. :)

They won`t, of course. Instead, they`ll spend it all on gaudy luxuries, mistakenly believing the word of every slimeball who tells them how unique and talented they are. Oh well, at least we`ll eventually get to read the poor, confused, exploited lasses` tales of woe when we unwrap our fish & chips.

This item was edited on Friday, 1st August 2003, 18:41

RE: Girls Aloud on

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st August 2003, 19:13 about 2 months time! :)

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